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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 401-500 7 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
401. | чувство | feeling | noun |
402. | молчать | to keep silence | verb |
403. | рассказывать | to tell, narrate, (See #392) | verb |
404. | отвечать | to answer, reply, (See #190) | verb |
405. | становиться | to stand; to become | verb |
406. | остановиться | to stop | verb |
407. | берег | bank, shore, coast | noun |
408. | семья | family | noun |
409. | искать | to search | verb |
410. | генерал | general | noun |
411. | момент | moment, instant | noun |
412. | десять | ten | cardinal number |
413. | начать | to begin(See #309) | verb |
414. | следующий | next, following | adjective |
415. | личный | personal | adjective |
416. | труд | labour, work | noun |
417. | верить | to believe; masterrussian, dot com | verb |
418. | группа | group | noun |
419. | немного | a little | adverb |
420. | впрочем | however, though | conjunction |
421. | видно | evidently, obviously | misc |
422. | являться | to appear | verb |
423. | муж | husband | noun |
424. | разве | really?, perhaps | particle |
425. | движение | movement | noun |
426. | порядок | order | noun |
427. | ответ | answer, reply | noun |
428. | тихо | quietly, softly, slowly | adverb |
429. | знакомый | familiar, acquainted | adjective |
430. | газета | newspaper | noun |
431. | помощь | help | noun |
432. | сильный | strong, powerful | adjective |
433. | скорый | quick, fast | adjective |
434. | собака | dog | noun |
435. | дерево | tree | noun |
436. | снег | snow | noun |
437. | сон | dream | noun |
438. | смысл | sense, meaning, purpose | noun |
439. | смочь | to be able | verb |
440. | против | against, opposite, contrary to | preposition |
441. | бежать | to run, hurry | verb |
442. | двор | yard, court | noun |
443. | форма | form, shape, uniform | noun |
444. | простой | simple, easy, plain | adjective |
445. | приехать | to arrive, come | verb |
446. | иной | different, other | pronoun |
447. | кричать | to cry, shout(See #656) | verb |
448. | возможность | possibility, opportunity, chance | noun |
449. | общество | society | noun |
450. | зелёный | green | adjective |
451. | грудь | breast, chest | noun |
452. | угол | corner, angle | noun |
453. | открыть | to open | verb |
454. | происходить | to happen, occur, take place | verb |
455. | ладно | in harmony, well, all right | adverb |
456. | чёрный | black (as in "she wears black")(See #333) | noun |
457. | век | century, age | noun |
458. | карман | noun | |
459. | ехать | to go, ride, drive, travel | verb of motion |
460. | немец | German | noun |
461. | наверное | probably, most likely(See #972) | adverb |
462. | губа | lip | noun |
463. | дядя | uncle | noun |
464. | приходить | to come, arrive(See #253) | verb |
465. | часто | often | adverb |
466. | домой | home(as in "she came home") | adverb |
467. | огонь | fire | noun |
468. | писатель | writer | noun |
469. | армия | army | noun |
470. | состояние | state, condition; fortune | noun |
471. | зуб | tooth | noun |
472. | очередь | line, queue, turn | noun |
473. | кой | which (old-fashioned, literary); mostly found in set expressions: ни в ко́ем слу́чае, ни ко́им о́бразом, в кои ве́ки, на кой чёрт? | pronoun |
474. | подняться | to rise, climb | verb |
475. | камень | stone | noun |
476. | гость | guest | noun |
477. | показаться | to appear, come in sight | verb |
478. | ветер | wind | noun |
479. | собираться | to gather together, assemble; intend(See #981) | verb |
480. | попасть | to hit; to find oneself | verb |
481. | принять | to take, admit, accept(See #643) | verb |
482. | сначала | at first, from the beginning | adverb |
483. | либо | or | conjunction |
484. | поехать | to depart, set off | verb |
485. | услышать | to hear | verb |
486. | уметь | to be able, know, can | verb |
487. | случиться | to happen | verb |
488. | странный | strange | adjective |
489. | единственный | only, sole | adjective |
490. | рота | company (military) | noun |
491. | закон | law, act, statute | noun |
492. | короткий | short | adjective |
493. | море | sea | noun |
494. | добрый | kind | adjective |
495. | тёмный | dark | adjective |
496. | гора | mountain, hill | noun |
497. | врач | physician, doctor | noun |
498. | край | border, edge; land, country | noun |
499. | стараться | to try, endeavour | verb |
500. | лучший | better, best | adjective |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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