Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "group" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
group, cluster
Part of speech: noun (feminine noun)
Rank: #418 (see frequency list)
Shall I take a photo of all of you together?
Photo by bowler1996p CC-BY-SA-2.0
- Вот моя́ гру́ппа ру́сского языка́.
- Here's my Russian language group.
- В на́шей гру́ппе мно́го студе́нтов.
- There are many students in our group.
- Из самолëта мы уви́дели гру́ппу острово́в.
- We saw a cluster of islands from the plane.
- literal We saw a group of islands from the plane.
- Вас снять гру́ппой?
- Shall I take a photo of all of you together?
- literal Shall I take a photo of the group?
- Кака́я у тебя́ гру́ппа кро́ви?
- What blood type do you have?
- literal What blood group do you have?
- Моя́ ба́бушка - инвали́д второ́й гру́ппы.
- My grandmother has a level two disability.
- literal My grandmother has the second group of disability.
- Каки́е социа́льные гру́ппы существу́ют в совреме́нной Росси́и?
- What social groups exist in modern Russia?
- Гру́ппа экспе́ртов бы́стро нашла́ реше́ние пробле́мы.
- The group of experts quickly found the solution of the problem.
- Я не люблю́ э́ту гру́ппу, а ты?
- I don't like this band, and you?
- Недово́льные собра́лись в гру́ппы.
- The discontented got together in groups.

- инвали́д пе́рвой гру́ппы = level 1 disability
literal disabled of the first group - гру́ппа кро́ви = blood type, blood group
- гру́ппа острово́в = cluster of islands
literal group of islands - операти́вная гру́ппа = task force
literal operation group
- группирова́ть = classify
- группиро́вка = group, classification, gang
- группово́й = group (adjective)
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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