Russian Language Learning Software

Russian Words on iPhone / iPad
Increase your Russian vocabulary the smart way by learning the words that you will really need. The list of 1000 most frequent Russian words teaches you the words that are used in the majority of situations.

Grammatica software automatically inserts stress marks into any Russian text. It also analyzes Russian grammar and displays word forms and other grammatical information. A free 5-day trial version is available for download from the publisher's site.

Russian Software from Ectaco
Ectaco Russian Software dictionaries, speach recognition systems, Russian software voice translators for Pocket PC, Windows, Palm OS, Epoc, etc.

Verbioso Verb Reference System
Download the demo or commercial version of Verbioso English-Russian Verb Reference System® for Windows or Macintosh platforms (size 312 KB). This unique tool features common verbs conjugated, paired by perfective and imperfective forms, and indexed for quick access.

Verbs and Nouns for Macintosh
Download a Russian-German module for learning Russian vocabulary and grammar. You will need to install a shareware Verbs & Nouns program to run this module.

Punto Switcher
This free software from Yandex will switch the encoding of your keyboard automatically when you forget doing so. It also allows changing your keyboard layout and auto-replacing frequent combination of letters.

Download and evaluate the Words program that allows you to learn new words while working. The evaluation period lasts for 30 days. After that you will have to buy and register the program to be able to use it.

English-Russian Mueller Dictionary (7th Edition) new
Download the free Mueller dictionary provided by Verbioso (size 3.58 MB). It features thousands of examples in both Russian and English, stress marks, powerful search engine, ability to cut and paste to any application, and other.

World Language Resources
A place to buy wide range of Russian language products: software, tapes, books, etc.

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Word: также
Meaning: also, as well, too
Pronunciation: [TAHK-zheh]
Learn Russian words »


Russian: Водка
English: Vodka


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