Tests and Quizzes

Russian Tests
A collection of entertaining and educational tests about Russia, Russian language, people, history and culture.

Russian Language Test Online
Answer 50 multiple-choice questions of mixed difficulty to estimate your level of Russian. This test is provided be the Language Link school.

Russian Grammar Exercises
Test your knowledge of Russian with these exercises on case, alphabet, spelling rules, transliteration, and verb conjugation.

English-Russian Vocabulary Quizzes
These quizzes will help you to learn and review vocabulary. They cover such topics as numbers, furniture, time, body, jobs and occupations, food and colors.

Online Russian Test
A good resource for learning very basic Russian vocabulary in a quiz format. Includes tests on such subjects as numbers, furniture, time, body, jobs and occupations, food and colors.

Golosa Exercises
This site boasts a lot of supplemental exercises for the book Golosa by George Mitrevsky. Although owning the book would help your grammar, you do not need to have it to take the tests and learn new Russian vocabulary and grammar.

Liden & Denz Language Center
Challenge yourself with 65 grammar questions from Beginner Level (A1) to Lower Advanced (B2+). Supplied by Liden & Denz Language Centres, based in St. Petersburg.

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Word: также
Meaning: also, as well, too
Pronunciation: [TAHK-zheh]
Learn Russian words »


Russian: Водка
English: Vodka


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