Reading in Russian

Dual-language text: Matryoshka
A dual-language article about Matryoshka dolls. Includes Russian text with accents and English translation. Russian reading practice for intermediate and advanced learners.

Eugene's Electronic Library
Full of works of Tolstoy, Gogol, Chekhov, Blok, Pushkin, and many others. In Russian only.

Anna Karenina with Dual Russian-English Translation
This site provides a side-by-side Russian-English version of Anna Karenina, which is a great way to increase your Russian vocabulary. English translation by Constance Garnett.

Maksim Moshkow's Library
A comprehensive and daily updated online library of the Russian Internet. Texts are mostly in Russian. Authors include Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Gogol, Pushkin and many others.

Boris Akunin
Boris Akunin is a contemporary Russian author whose writing style mimics the style of famous classical authors of the past. This official site has the full text of many of his novels. We recommend that you start with Azazel, which has quite an interesting and engaging plot.

Russian Bible
Download the whole Russian Bible in HTML or you can search for desired chapters.

Thieves' Cant
This site offers texts and a dictionary of criminal cant, comments, audio pictures, etc.

Alice in Wonderland in Russian and English
Side-by-side Russian-English version of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. You can also listen to an audio recording of the Russian text, read by Natalya Bogdanova.

Classic Russian and Soviet poetry
A large project with thousands of poems by almost 100 poets. The most popular poets include Yesenin, Block, Akhmatova, Smolensky, Obradovich and Polezhayev.

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Word: также
Meaning: also, as well, too
Pronunciation: [TAHK-zheh]
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Russian: Водка
English: Vodka


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