Blogs about Russia, Russians, and the Russian Language

Discover personal blogs and journals with some of the most interesting information, perspective, insight, news and reflection about Russia, Russian people, and learning the Russian language.

Master Russian Blog
Our own site blog with updates on learning Russian, useful Russian phrases, grammar lessons, culture notes, life in Russia, Russian history, and other deeper insight into Russia.

Russificate by Yulia
Yulia Amlinskaya is a Russian language teacher from Moscow. She updates her blog with free Russian lessons, exercises, tongue-twisters, slang, songs, movie clips, and other useful information for students of all levels. If you like her blog, you may arrange a Russian lesson with Yulia via skype.

Russian Word of the Day by Don Livingston
This educational blog is run by Don Livingston who is teaching Russian at Arizona State University. Don regularly updates his personal blog with "muses on russian vocabulary" which are extremely fun to read and will teach you a lot of interesting facts about contemporary life in Russia.

Learning Russian by Bruce Dumes
This wordpress blog is run by Bruce Dumes, a jazz musician and software engineer who is interested in learning Russian at the same time. Bruce shares his personal experience, observations, and links to interesting resources for learning Russian as a foreign language.

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Word: также
Meaning: also, as well, too
Pronunciation: [TAHK-zheh]
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Russian: Водка
English: Vodka


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