Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "personal" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
personal, individual, private, intimate, own
Part of speech: adjective
Rank: #415 (see frequency list)
The girl was always accompanied by her personal bodyguards.
Photo by -nikkon- CC-BY-SA-2.0
- У начáльника был ли́чный секретáрь.
- The boss had a personal secretary.
- Я ничегó не знáю о ли́чной жи́зни сы́на.
- I don't know anything about my son's personal life.
- Не вмéшивайтесь: э́то моë ли́чное дéло.
- Don't interfere: it's my private business.
- Дéвушка всегдá ходи́ла с ли́чной охрáной.
- The girl was always accompanied by her personal bodyguards.
- literal The girl always went with her personal bodyguards.
- Мы тут по ли́чному дéлу.
- We're on private business here.
- Дом в Черногóрии у негó в ли́чной сóбственности.
- He owns a house in Montenegro.
- literal The house in Montenegro is in his own property.
- Нет, нет, э́то моя́ ли́чная инициати́ва!
- No, no it's on my own initiative.
- literal No, no it's my own initiative.
- Никтó не хотéл знать моегó ли́чного мнéния по э́тому вопрócу.
- Nobody wanted to know my personal opinion about this issue.
- Необходи́мо вáше ли́чное прису́тствие.
- Your personal attendance is necessary.
- Сейчác мы изучáем тéму "Ли́чные местоимéния в ру́сском языкé".
- We're now learning the topic "Personal pronouns in the Russian language".
- ли́чная гигиéна = personal hygiene
- ли́чное прису́тствие = personal attendance
- ли́чная сóбственность = personal property
- ли́чная жизнь = private life
- ли́чная охрáна = bodyguard
- ли́чный секретáрь = private secretary
- по ли́чному дéлу = on private business
- это моё ли́чное дéло = that's my own business
- ли́чный зачёт = individual event
- ли́чное пéрвенство = individual championship
- ли́чное местоимéние = personal pronoun
- ли́чный состáв = staff
- ли́чное дéло = personal file
- ли́чность = personality, person, indivudual
- ли́чно = personally
- лицó = a face
- сóбственный = own, personal
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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