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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 701-800 10 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
701. | остальной | remaining, the rest of | adjective |
702. | половина | half | noun |
703. | московский | Moscow | adjective |
704. | шесть | six | cardinal number |
705. | получиться | to come, arrive, turn out | verb |
706. | качество | quality | noun |
707. | бой | battle, fight, combat | noun |
708. | шея | neck | noun |
709. | вон | out | adverb |
710. | идея | idea | noun |
711. | видимо | apparently, seemingly | adverb |
712. | достаточно | enough, sufficiently | adverb |
713. | провести | to accompany, set off; conduct; spend (See #973) | verb |
714. | важный | important | adjective |
715. | трава | grass | noun |
716. | дед | grandfather, old man | noun |
717. | сознание | consciousness | noun |
718. | родитель | parent; masterrussian, dot, com | noun |
719. | простить | to forgive | verb |
720. | бить | to beat, hit | verb |
721. | чай | tea | noun |
722. | поздний | late | adjective |
723. | кивнуть | to nod | verb |
724. | род | family, clan, generation | noun |
725. | исчезнуть | to disappear | verb |
726. | тонкий | thin | adjective |
727. | немецкий | German | adjective |
728. | звук | sound | noun |
729. | отдать | to return, give back | verb |
730. | магазин | shop, store | noun |
731. | президент | president; director | noun |
732. | поэт | poet | noun |
733. | спасибо | gratitude, thanks | noun |
734. | болезнь | illness, sickness, disease | noun |
735. | событие | event | noun |
736. | помочь | to help (See #857) | verb |
737. | кожа | skin | noun |
738. | лист | leaf, sheet | noun |
739. | слать | to send | verb |
740. | вспоминать | to remember, recall | verb |
741. | прекрасный | beautiful, fine | adjective |
742. | слеза | tear | noun |
743. | надежда | hope | noun |
744. | молча | silently, without a word | adverb |
745. | сильно | strongly | adverb |
746. | верный | correct; faithful; reliable | adjective |
747. | литература | literature | noun |
748. | оружие | weapon | noun |
749. | готовый | ready | adjective |
750. | запах | smell, odour, scent | noun |
751. | неожиданно | unexpectedly, suddenly | adverb |
752. | вчера | yesterday | adverb |
753. | вздохнуть | to take breath, to sigh | verb |
754. | роль | role | noun |
755. | рост | growth, increase; height | noun |
756. | природа | nature | noun |
757. | политический | political | adjective |
758. | точка | dot, point | noun |
759. | звезда | star | noun |
760. | петь | to sing | verb |
761. | садиться | to sit down | verb |
762. | фамилия | surname | noun |
763. | характер | character, disposition, temper | noun |
764. | пожалуйста | please | misc |
765. | выше | higher | adverb |
766. | офицер | officer | noun |
767. | толпа | crowd | noun |
768. | перестать | to stop, cease | verb |
769. | придтись | to fit, fall; have to | verb |
770. | уровень | level | noun |
771. | неизвестный | unknown | adjective |
772. | кресло | armchair | noun |
773. | баба | woman, wife, old woman, (See #911) | noun |
774. | секунда | a second | noun |
775. | пожаловать | to grant, bestow | verb |
776. | банк | bank | noun |
777. | опыт | experience | noun |
778. | тихий | quiet, low, scelent | adjective |
779. | поскольку | so far as, since | misc |
780. | сапог | (high) boot | noun |
781. | правило | rule | noun |
782. | стекло | glass | noun |
783. | получать | to receive, get (See #239) | verb |
784. | внутренний | inside, internal | adjective |
785. | дочь | daughter | noun |
786. | называться | to call oneself | verb |
787. | надеяться | to hope | verb |
788. | член | member, limb | noun |
789. | протянуть | to stretch, extend | verb |
790. | государственный | State | adjective |
791. | десяток | ten, dozens | noun |
792. | глубокий | deep | adjective |
793. | цветок | flower | noun |
794. | ах | ah!, oh! | misc |
795. | желание | wish | noun |
796. | дождь | rain | noun |
797. | впереди | before, in front of | preposition |
798. | подходить | to come up, approach;to fit(See #361) | verb |
799. | много | many, much, a lot of(See #187) | adverb |
800. | лоб | forehead | noun |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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