1000 Most Common Russian Words

This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.

Top Russian words: 501-600                       8 of 12 | < Prev   Next >

Rank  Russian word   English translation   Part of speech
501. река rivernoun
502. военный militaryadjective
503. мера measure, stepnoun
504. страшный terrible, frightfuladjective
505. вполне quite, fullyadverb
506. звать to callverb
507. произойти to happen, occur, take placeverb
508. вперед forwardpreposition
509. медленно slowlyadverb
510. возле by, near, close bypreposition
511. никак in now way, by no meansadverb
512. заниматься to be occupied, engageverb
513. действие action, effectnoun
514. довольно enough; ratheradverb
515. вещь thingnoun
516. необходимый necessaryadjective
517. ход movenoun
518. боль painnoun
519. судьба fate, fortune, destinynoun
520. причина cause, reason, motivenoun
521. положить to lay down, put down, placeverb
522. едва hardly, just, barelyadverb
523. черта line, boundary; traitnoun
524. девочка girl, little girl(See #326)noun
525. лёгкий light, easyadjective
526. волос hairnoun
527. купить to buy, purchaseverb
528. номер number, size, room, issuenoun
529. основной mainadjective
530. широкий wideadjective
531. умереть to dieverb
532. далеко far, far offadverb
533. плохо badlyadverb
534. глава head, chiefnoun
535. красивый beautiful; masterrussian, dot comadjective
536. серый grey; dulladjective
537. пить to drinkverb
538. командир commander, commanding officernoun
539. обычно usuallyadverb
540. партия partynoun
541. проблема problem, issuenoun
542. страх fearnoun
543. проходить to pass, go;study(See #334)verb
544. ясно clear, clearlyadverb
545. снять to take away, take off;photographverb
546. бумага papernoun
547. герой heronoun
548. пара pair, couplenoun
549. государство Statenoun
550. деревня village, countrynoun
551. речь speechnoun
552. начаться to beginverb
553. средство means, remedynoun
554. положение position, posture, condition, statenoun
555. связь tie, bond; connection, relationnoun
556. скоро quickly, fast, soonadverb
557. небольшой small, not greatadjective
558. представлять to present, introduce, imagine(See #586)verb
559. завтра tomorrowadverb
560. объяснить to explainverb
561. пустой empty, hollow; idleadjective
562. произнести to pronounce, say, utterverb
563. человеческий humanadjective
564. нравиться to please, likeverb
565. однажды once, one dayadverb
566. мимо past, bypreposition
567. иначе otherwise, differentlyladverb
568. существовать to exist, to beverb
569. класс classnoun
570. удаться turn out well, succeed, manageverb
571. толстый thick, heavy, fatadjective
572. цель goal, object, targetnoun
573. сквозь throughpreposition
574. прийтись to fit, fall; have toverb
575. чистый clean, pureadjective
576. знать to know(See #51)noun
577. прежний formeradjective
578. профессор professornoun
579. господин gentleman, Mr.noun
580. счастье happiness, lucknoun
581. худой thin, skinny; masterrussian.comadjective
582. дух spiritnoun
583. план plannoun
584. чужой somebody else's;strange, foreignadjective
585. зал hallnoun
586. представить to presetn, produce, introduce(See #558)verb
587. особый specialadjective
588. директор director, managernoun
589. бывший former, ex-adjective
590. память memorynoun
591. близкий near, similar; intimateadjective
592. сей thispronoun
593. результат result, outcomenoun
594. больной sickadjective
595. данный given, presentadjective
596. кстати to the point, at the same timeadverb
597. назвать to call, name(See #356)verb
598. след track, footprintnoun
599. улыбаться to smile(See #605)verb
600. бутылка bottlenoun

                                                               8 of 12 | < Prev   Next >

Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.

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Index of most common Russian words

  1. Top 50 Russian words
  2. Top Russian words: 51-100
  3. Top Russian words: 101-150
  4. Top Russian words: 151-200
  5. Top Russian words: 201-300
  6. Top Russian words: 301-400
  7. Top Russian words: 401-500
  8. Top Russian words: 501-600
  9. Top Russian words: 601-700
  10. Top Russian words: 701-800
  11. Top Russian words: 801-900
  12. Top Russian words: 901-1000

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