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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 501-600 8 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
501. | река | river | noun |
502. | военный | military | adjective |
503. | мера | measure, step | noun |
504. | страшный | terrible, frightful | adjective |
505. | вполне | quite, fully | adverb |
506. | звать | to call | verb |
507. | произойти | to happen, occur, take place | verb |
508. | вперед | forward | preposition |
509. | медленно | slowly | adverb |
510. | возле | by, near, close by | preposition |
511. | никак | in now way, by no means | adverb |
512. | заниматься | to be occupied, engage | verb |
513. | действие | action, effect | noun |
514. | довольно | enough; rather | adverb |
515. | вещь | thing | noun |
516. | необходимый | necessary | adjective |
517. | ход | move | noun |
518. | боль | pain | noun |
519. | судьба | fate, fortune, destiny | noun |
520. | причина | cause, reason, motive | noun |
521. | положить | to lay down, put down, place | verb |
522. | едва | hardly, just, barely | adverb |
523. | черта | line, boundary; trait | noun |
524. | девочка | girl, little girl(See #326) | noun |
525. | лёгкий | light, easy | adjective |
526. | волос | hair | noun |
527. | купить | to buy, purchase | verb |
528. | номер | number, size, room, issue | noun |
529. | основной | main | adjective |
530. | широкий | wide | adjective |
531. | умереть | to die | verb |
532. | далеко | far, far off | adverb |
533. | плохо | badly | adverb |
534. | глава | head, chief | noun |
535. | красивый | beautiful; masterrussian, dot com | adjective |
536. | серый | grey; dull | adjective |
537. | пить | to drink | verb |
538. | командир | commander, commanding officer | noun |
539. | обычно | usually | adverb |
540. | партия | party | noun |
541. | проблема | problem, issue | noun |
542. | страх | fear | noun |
543. | проходить | to pass, go;study(See #334) | verb |
544. | ясно | clear, clearly | adverb |
545. | снять | to take away, take off;photograph | verb |
546. | бумага | paper | noun |
547. | герой | hero | noun |
548. | пара | pair, couple | noun |
549. | государство | State | noun |
550. | деревня | village, country | noun |
551. | речь | speech | noun |
552. | начаться | to begin | verb |
553. | средство | means, remedy | noun |
554. | положение | position, posture, condition, state | noun |
555. | связь | tie, bond; connection, relation | noun |
556. | скоро | quickly, fast, soon | adverb |
557. | небольшой | small, not great | adjective |
558. | представлять | to present, introduce, imagine(See #586) | verb |
559. | завтра | tomorrow | adverb |
560. | объяснить | to explain | verb |
561. | пустой | empty, hollow; idle | adjective |
562. | произнести | to pronounce, say, utter | verb |
563. | человеческий | human | adjective |
564. | нравиться | to please, like | verb |
565. | однажды | once, one day | adverb |
566. | мимо | past, by | preposition |
567. | иначе | otherwise, differentlyl | adverb |
568. | существовать | to exist, to be | verb |
569. | класс | class | noun |
570. | удаться | turn out well, succeed, manage | verb |
571. | толстый | thick, heavy, fat | adjective |
572. | цель | goal, object, target | noun |
573. | сквозь | through | preposition |
574. | прийтись | to fit, fall; have to | verb |
575. | чистый | clean, pure | adjective |
576. | знать | to know(See #51) | noun | 577. | прежний | former | adjective |
578. | профессор | professor | noun |
579. | господин | gentleman, Mr. | noun |
580. | счастье | happiness, luck | noun |
581. | худой | thin, skinny; | adjective |
582. | дух | spirit | noun |
583. | план | plan | noun |
584. | чужой | somebody else's;strange, foreign | adjective |
585. | зал | hall | noun |
586. | представить | to presetn, produce, introduce(See #558) | verb |
587. | особый | special | adjective |
588. | директор | director, manager | noun |
589. | бывший | former, ex- | adjective |
590. | память | memory | noun |
591. | близкий | near, similar; intimate | adjective |
592. | сей | this | pronoun |
593. | результат | result, outcome | noun |
594. | больной | sick | adjective |
595. | данный | given, present | adjective |
596. | кстати | to the point, at the same time | adverb |
597. | назвать | to call, name(See #356) | verb |
598. | след | track, footprint | noun |
599. | улыбаться | to smile(See #605) | verb |
600. | бутылка | bottle | noun |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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