Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "measure" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
measure, extent
Part of speech: noun (feminine noun)
Rank: #503 (see frequency list)
Сentimetre is a linear measure.
Photo by Horia Varlan CC-BY-2.0
- Сантимéтр - мéра длины́.
- Сentimetre is a linear measure.
- Дéти, назови́те мне мéры плóщади.
- Children, name the square measures.
- literal Children, name the square measures to me.
- Вáши успéхи в значи́тельной мéре зави́сят от Вáшей увéренности в себé.
- Your success depends to a considerable extent on your self-confidence. (polite)
- Жи́тели Афганистáна в пóлной мéре ощути́ли нехвáтку продовóльствия.
- Afghanistan inhabitants experienced to the full extent the lack of food supplies.
- literal Afghanistan inhabitants felt in full measure the lack of food supplies.
- В такóй крити́ческой ситуáции ну́жно принимáть реши́тельные мéры.
- In such a critical situation drastic measures have to be taken.
- literal In such a critical situation it's necessary to take drastic measures.
- Мы бу́дем помогáть вам в мéру нáших сил.
- We'll be helping you as far as we can. (plural "you")
- literal We'll be helping you to the extent of our abilities.
- Во всëм нáдо знать мéру.
- One has to know where to stop in all senses.
- literal It's necessary to know the measure in everything.
- По мéре тогó, как они́ богатéли, они́ станови́лись всë занócчивее.
- As they were growing richer, they were getting more and more arrogant.
- literal To the extent that they were growing richer, they were getting more and more arrogant.
- Я, по крáйней мéре, мáтом не ругáюсь!
- At least, I don't use swear words!
- Он получи́л вы́сшую мéру наказáния.
- He was sentenced to the capital punishment.
- literal He received the capital punishment.

- мéры длины́ = linear measures
literal measures of length - мéры плóщади = square measures
literal measures of area - мéры жи́дкостей = liquid measures
literal measures of liquids - в значи́тельной мéре = largely, to a considerable extent
- в пóлной мéре = to the full extent
literal in full measure - в извéстной мéре = to a certain extent
- в мéру = within reasonable limits
- в мéру (по мéре) возмóжности = within the limits of the possible
- сверх мéры = excessively
literal beyond the measure - не в мéру = excessively
literal not in the measure - знать мéру = know where to stop
literal know the measure - не знать мéры = be immoderate
literal not to know the measure - по мéре того, как = as
literal to the measure that - по крáйней мéре = at least
literal for the least measure - приня́ть мéры = take measures
- врéменная мéра = temporary measure
- мéры предосторóжности = precautions
literal precautionary measures - чу́вство мéры = sense of proportion
- ни в кóей мéре = not in the least
literal not in any extent
- мéрить = to measure, to try on
- мéрка = measure
- мери́ло = criterion
- примéрочная = fitting room
- Где мéра, там и вéра
- The faith is where the measure is.
- literal Where measure, there faith.
- Всему́ нужнá мéра.
- Everything needs a measure.
- Хлéбу - мéра, а деньгáм - счëт.
- Bread has to be weighed, and money, counted.
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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