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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 151-200 4 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
151. | пока | for the present | adverb |
152. | хорошо | well (see #114) | adverb |
153. | давать | to give; let, allow | verb |
154. | вода | water | noun |
155. | более | more | adverb |
156. | хотя | although | conjunction |
157. | всегда | always | adverb |
158. | второй | second | ordinal number |
159. | куда | where, what for, much | adverb |
160. | пойти | to go | verb |
161. | стол | table, desk; board | noun |
162. | ребёнок | child, kid, infant | noun |
163. | увидеть | to see | verb |
164. | сила | strength, force | noun |
165. | отец | father (see #918) | noun |
166. | женщина | woman | noun |
167. | машина | car, machine, engine | noun |
168. | случай | case, occasion, incident | noun |
169. | ночь | night | noun |
170. | сразу | at once, right away, just | adverb |
171. | мир | world, peace | noun |
172. | совсем | quite, entirely, totally | adverb |
173. | остаться | to remain, stay (see #297) | verb |
174. | об | about, of (see #34) | preposition |
175. | вид | appearance, look, view | noun |
176. | выйти | to go out, come out, appear | verb |
177. | дать | to give; masterrussian, dot com | verb |
178. | работать | to work | verb |
179. | любить | to love | verb |
180. | старый | old | adjective |
181. | почти | almost | adverb |
182. | ряд | row, line | noun |
183. | оказаться | find oneself, turn out | verb |
184. | начало | beginning, origin, source | noun |
185. | твой | your, yours (informal) | pronoun |
186. | вопрос | question, matter, problem | noun |
187. | много | many, much (see #799) | adverb |
188. | война | war | noun |
189. | снова | again | adverb |
190. | ответить | to answer, reply (see #404) | verb |
191. | между | between, among | preposition |
192. | подумать | to think | verb |
193. | опять | again | adverb |
194. | белый | white | adjective |
195. | деньги | money | noun |
196. | значить | to mean, signify | verb |
197. | про | about, for | preposition |
198. | лишь | only, as soon as | adverb, conj |
199. | минута | minute, moment | noun |
200. | жена | wife | noun |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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