Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "to love" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
to love, like, need, require, prefer
Part of speech: verb (imperfective aspect)
Rank: #179 (see frequency list)
She loves her daughter.
- Я люблю́ тебя́.
- I love you. (familiar)
- Онá лю́бит дочь.
- She loves her daughter.
- Мы лю́бим нáших роди́телей.
- We love our parents.
- Я люблю́ му́зыку.
- I love music
- Он лю́бит, когда идëт дождь.
- He likes it when it rains.
- Рáньше онá люби́ла читать, а сейчác - нет.
- She used to like reading, but now she doesn't like it anymore.
- Розы лю́бят теплó.
- Roses need warm weather.
- Я не люблю́ ссор.
- I don't support quarrels.
- literal I don't like quarrels.
- Мой сын лю́бит, чтóбы ему́ пéли пécни.
- My son likes when people sing songs to him.
- Ты бу́дешь меня́ люби́ть, когдá я бу́ду стáрым?
- Will you still love me when I get old?
- Люби́те смéлых парнéй!
- Fall in love with brave guys!
- Ми́ша и Та́ня лю́бят друг дру́га.
- Misha and Tanya love each other.
- Они люби́ли плáвать.
- They liked swimming.

- лю́бит-не лю́бит = he (she) loves me, he (she) loves me not
- люби́ть вы́пить = to be fond of the bottle
- люби́ть до безу́мия = to dote
- люби́ть от всего́ се́рдца = to love from the bottom of one’s heart
- любóвь = love
- люби́мый = favourite, beloved
- любóвный = love (adjective)
- обожáть = adore, worship
- влюби́ться = fall in love
- Когдá меня́ лю́бишь, и мою́ собáчку люби́.
- If you love me, love my dog.
- Лю́бит как собáка пáлку.
- He (she) doesn't love him (her) at all.
- literal He (she) loves him (her) as a dog loves a stick.
- Люби́ть тяжелó, не люби́ть тяжéле того.
- It's difficult to love, but it's even more difficult not to.
- Люблю́ как чëрта в углу́.
- I don't love (him, her) at all.
- literal I love (him, her) as a devil in the corner.
- Лю́бишь ката́ться, люби́ и са́ночки вози́ть.
- After the feast comes the reckoning.
- literal If you like a ride, you should like carrying your sledges too.
Present Tense
I | люблю́ |
you (singular) | лю́бишь |
he, she, it | лю́бит |
we | лю́бим |
you (plural) | лю́бите |
they | лю́бят |
Past Tense
I, you (singular), he | люби́л |
she | люби́ла |
it | люби́ло |
we, you (plural), they | люби́ли |
Future Simple Tense
The imperfective verb любить is not used in the Future Simple Tense. Use the perfective verb полюбить instead.
Future Compound Tense
I | буду люби́ть |
you (singular) | будешь люби́ть |
he, she, it | будет люби́ть |
we | будем люби́ть |
you (plural) | будете люби́ть |
they | будут люби́ть |
Imperative Mood (Command Form)
you (singular) | люби́ | you (plural) | люби́те |
View full conjugation table for the verb pair любить/полюбить
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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