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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 101-150 3 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
101. | сейча́с | now, presently, soon | adverb |
102. | мо́жно | one can | predicate |
103. | по́сле | after, afterwards | preposition |
104. | сло́во | word | noun |
105. | здесь | here | adverb |
106. | ду́мать | to think; believe | verb |
107. | ме́сто | place; seat | noun |
108. | спроси́ть | to ask | verb |
109. | че́рез | through, across | preposition |
110. | лицо́ | face; person | noun |
111. | что | what, which, that | pronoun |
112. | тогда́ | then | adverb |
113. | ведь | you see, you know | conj |
114. | хоро́ший | good, nice (see #152) | adjective |
115. | ка́ждый | each, every | pronoun |
116. | но́вый | new; modern | adjective |
117. | жить | to live | verb |
118. | до́лжный | due, proper | adjective |
119. | смотре́ть | to look, watch | verb |
120. | почему́ | why | adverb |
121. | потому́́ | that's why | adverb |
122. | сторона́ | side, party | noun |
123. | про́сто | simply | adverb |
124. | нога́ | foot, leg | noun |
125. | сиде́ть | to sit | verb |
126. | поня́ть | to understand; realize | verb |
127. | име́ть | to have, own | verb |
128. | коне́чный | final, last | adjective |
129. | де́лать | to do, make | verb |
130. | вдруг | suddenly | adverb |
131. | над | above, over | preposition |
132. | взять | to take | verb |
133. | никто́ | nobody | pronoun |
134. | сде́лать | to do, make, finish | verb |
135. | дверь | door | noun |
136. | пе́ред | before, in front of | preposition |
137. | ну́жный | necessary | adjective |
138. | понима́ть | to understand | verb |
139. | каза́ться | to seem, appear; masterrussian, dot com | verb |
140. | рабо́та | work, job | noun |
141. | три | three | cardinal number |
142. | ваш | yours | pronoun |
143. | уж | really, already | adverb, particle |
144. | земля́ | earth, land, soil | noun |
145. | коне́ц | end, distance | noun |
146. | не́сколько | several, some | adverb |
147. | час | hour, time | noun |
148. | го́лос | voice | noun |
149. | го́род | town, city | noun |
150. | после́дний | last, the latest, new | adjective |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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