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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 601-700 9 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
601. | трудно | with difficulty | adverb |
602. | условие | condition, term | noun |
603. | прежде | before | preposition |
604. | ум | mind, brains, intellect | noun |
605. | улыбнуться | to smile(See #599) | verb |
606. | процесс | process | noun |
607. | картина | picture, painting | noun |
608. | вместо | instead | preposition |
609. | старший | elder, senior | adjective |
610. | легко | easily, lightly | adverb |
611. | центр | center | noun |
612. | подобный | similar, like | adjective |
613. | возможно | as… as possible(as in "as soon as possible") | adverb |
614. | около | by, near | preposition |
615. | смеяться | to laugh | verb |
616. | сто | hundred | cardinal numberinal number |
617. | будущее | future | noun |
618. | хватать | to snatch, seize; be sufficient(See #636) | verb |
619. | число | number | noun |
620. | всякое | any, every | pronoun |
621. | рубль | ruble | noun |
622. | почувствовать | to feel | verb |
623. | принести | to bring; masterrussian | verb |
624. | вера | faith, belief | noun |
625. | вовсе | quiet; not … at all | adverb |
626. | удар | blow, stroke | noun |
627. | телефон | telephone | noun |
628. | колено | knee | noun |
629. | согласиться | to agree, consent | verb |
630. | мало | little, few, not enough(See #384) | cardinal numberinal number |
631. | коридор | corridor, passage | noun |
632. | мужик | muzhik, man | noun |
633. | правый | right | adjective |
634. | автор | author | noun |
635. | холодный | cold, cool | adjective |
636. | хватить | to snatch, seize, suffice(See #618) | verb |
637. | многие | many | pronoun |
638. | встреча | meeting, reception | noun |
639. | кабинет | study, room, office suite | noun |
640. | документ | document | noun |
641. | самолёт | aircraft, aeroplane | noun |
642. | вниз | down, downwards | adverb |
643. | принимать | to take, admit, accept (See #481) | verb |
644. | игра | game, play | noun |
645. | рассказ | story | noun |
646. | хлеб | bread | noun |
647. | развитие | development | noun |
648. | убить | to kill | verb |
649. | родной | own, native, dear | adjective |
650. | открытый | open | adjective |
651. | менее | less | adverb |
652. | предложить | to offer, propose, suggest | verb |
653. | жёлтый | yellow | adjective |
654. | приходиться | to fit, fall; have to | verb |
655. | выпить | to drink | verb |
656. | крикнуть | to cry, shout(See #447) | verb |
657. | трубка | tube, roll, pipe | noun |
658. | враг | enemy | noun |
659. | показывать | to show, display | verb |
660. | двое | two | cardinal number |
661. | доктор | doctor | noun |
662. | ладонь | palm | noun |
663. | вызвать | to call, send(See #821) | verb |
664. | спокойно | quietly | adverb |
665. | попросить | to ask | verb |
666. | наука | science | noun |
667. | лейтенант | lieutenant | noun |
668. | служба | service, work | noun |
669. | оказываться | to turn out, find oneself(See #183) | verb |
670. | привести | to bring | verb |
671. | сорок | forty | cardinal number |
672. | счёт | bill, account | noun |
673. | возвращаться | to return | verb |
674. | золотой | golden | adjective |
675. | местный | local | adjective |
676. | кухня | kitchen | noun |
677. | крупный | large, big, prominent | adjective |
678. | решение | decision, conclusion | noun |
679. | молодая | bride (See #288); young (as an adjective) | noun |
680. | тридцать | thirty | cardinal number |
681. | роман | novel, romance | noun |
682. | требовать | to demand | verb |
683. | компания | company | noun |
684. | частый | frequent | adjective |
685. | российский | Russian | adjective |
686. | рабочий | working | adjective |
687. | потерять | to lose | verb |
688. | течение | current | noun |
689. | синий | dark blue | adjective |
690. | столько | so much, so many | adverb |
691. | тёплый | warm | adjective |
692. | метр | meter, metre | noun |
693. | достать | to reach; get, obtain | verb |
694. | железный | ferreous, iron | adjective |
695. | институт | institute | noun |
696. | сообщить | to report, let know | verb |
697. | интерес | interes | noun |
698. | обычный | usual, ordinary | adjective |
699. | появляться | to appear, show up(See #335) | verb |
700. | упасть | to fall | verb |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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