Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "picture" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
picture, painting, movie
Part of speech: noun (feminine noun)
Rank: #607 (see frequency list)
There's a picture on the wall.
Photo by Paradigm CC-BY-2.0
- На стенé виси́т карти́на.
- There's a picture on the wall.
- literal The picture is hanging on the wall.
- Мне нрáвятся карти́ны И.Левитáна.
- I like I.Levitan's paintings.
- На досу́ге он пи́шет карти́ны.
- He does painting in his free time.
- literal In free time he writes paintings.
- Вчерá мы бы́ли на вы́ставке карти́н ру́сских худóжников.
- Yesterday we were at the Russian painters' exhibition.
- literal Yesterday we were at the exhibition of paintings of Russian painters.
- Ты сам написáл карти́ну или купи́л?
- Have you done the painting yourself or have you bought it?
- literal You yourself wrote the painting or bought?
- Пéред нáми открывáлись чудécные карти́ны сéверной прирóды.
- We could contemplate wonderful landscapes of northern scenery.
- literal Wonderful pictures of northern scenery were opening before us.
- На карти́не изображенá молодáя жéнщина.
- The painting portrays a young woman.
- literal On the painting is portrayed a young woman.
- Карти́на такáя: мы бóльше не мóжем выплáчивать креди́т.
- The situation is like that: we can't pay the loan anymore.
- literal The picture is like that: we can't pay the loan anymore.
- Ты смотрéл послéднюю карти́ну Альмодóвара?
- Have you seen the latest movie by Almodovar?
- literal Have you seen the latest picture by Almodovar?
- Карти́на идëт в нáшем кинотеáтре тóлько два дня.
- They've been showing the movie in our cinema for two days only.
- literal The picture goes in our cinema only two days.

- карти́на мáсляными крáсками = oil painting
- таковá карти́на = such is the situation
literal such is the picture - нарисовáть карти́ну = describe a situation
literal paint a picture - написáть карти́ну = paint a picture
- карти́на ми́ра = mentality; world view
literal world picture
- карти́нка = small picture
- карти́нный = pictorial, picture (adjective)
- худóжник = painter
- иллюстрáция = illustration
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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