Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "сondition " in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
сondition , term
Part of speech: noun (neuter noun)
Rank: #602 (see frequency list)
Please, read the contract terms.
Photo by ewen and donabel CC-BY-2.0
- Каки́е вáши услóвия?
- What are your terms?
- Пожáлуйста, прочитáйте услóвия договóра.
- Please, read the contract terms.
- Я не понимáю услóвий задáчи.
- I don't understand the conditions of the problem.
- Они́ рабóтают в тяжëлых услóвиях и мáло получáют.
- They have hard working conditons and small salaries.
- literal They work in hard conditions and receive little.
- Вы знáете, как получи́ть креди́т на хорóших услóвиях?
- Do you know how to get a loan on favorable terms?
- У нас совсéм нет услóвий для кáчественной рабóты.
- We have absolutely no conditions for a qualified work.
- literal We have no conditions at all for a qualified work.
- Я дам тебé дéньги, но тóлько при том услóвии, что ты мне их вернëшь на слéдующей недéле.
- I'll give you the money, but only provided that you return it next week.
- В Росси́и мнóгие лю́ди привы́кли к непросты́м жили́щным услóвиям.
- In Russia, many people are used to hard housing conditions.
- literal In Russia, many people are used to not simple housing conditions.
- Извини́те, но я не могу́ согласи́ться с предостáвленными услóвиями.
- I'm sorry, but I can't accept the terms offered.
- Прирóдные услóвия в э́том райóне благоприя́тны для тропи́ческих растéний.
- The climate conditions in this area are favourable for tropical plants.
- По услóвиям контрáкта процéнты выплáчиваются ежемécячно.
- According to the contract terms the interest is paid monthly.
- Да, но у меня́ есть однó услóвие.
- Yes, but I have one condition.
- literal Yes, but at me exists one condition.

- обязáтельное услóвие = indispensable condition
- услóвия договóра = terms of the treaty
- стáвить услóвия = lay down conditions
- на хорóших услóвиях = on favourable terms
- при услóвии, что = providing
- с услóвием, что = on condition that
- услóвия трудá = conditions of work
- бытовы́е услóвия = living conditions
- услóвия жи́зни = conditions of life
- жили́щные услóвия = housing conditions
- при прочих рáвных услóвиях = other things being equal
- предостáвить все необходи́мые услóвия = offer all necessary facilities
- услóвия задáчи = conditions of a problem
- услóвный = conditional, conventional
- услóвиться = to agree (colloquial)
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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