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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 901-1000 12 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
901. | американский | American | adjective |
902. | дым | smoke | noun |
903. | гореть | to burn | verb |
904. | плакать | to cry | verb |
905. | весьма | very, highly, greatly | adverb |
906. | факт | fact | noun |
907. | двигаться | to move | verb |
908. | рыба | fish | noun |
909. | добавить | to add | verb |
910. | удивиться | to wonder, be surprised | verb |
911. | бабушка | grandmother(See #773) | noun |
912. | вино | wine | noun |
913. | ибо | for | conjunction |
914. | учитель | teacher, instructor | noun |
915. | действовать | to act | verb |
916. | осторожно | carefully, cautiously | adverb |
917. | круг | circle; masterrussian, dot com | noun |
918. | папа | dad, daddy(See #165) | noun |
919. | правильно | correctly, properly | adverb |
920. | недавно | recently, lately | adverb |
921. | держаться | to hold on, behave | verb |
922. | причём | moreover, and what's more | adverb |
923. | лететь | to fly | verb |
924. | носить | to wear | verb |
925. | повод | occasion, reason; bridle | noun |
926. | лагерь | camp | noun |
927. | птица | bird | noun |
928. | корабль | ship | noun |
929. | мнение | opinion | noun |
930. | ночной | night | adjective |
931. | здоровый | healthy | adjective |
932. | зима | winter | noun |
933. | сухой | dry | adjective |
934. | километр | kilometre, kilometer | noun |
935. | кровать | bed | noun |
936. | привыкнуть | to get used to, to grow accustomed to | verb |
937. | прочее | et cetera, other | pronoun |
938. | свободный | free | adjective |
939. | лестница | staircase | noun |
940. | неужели | really, surely | particle |
941. | обязательно | without fail, be sure | adverb |
942. | вверх | up, upwards | adverb |
943. | детство | childhood | noun |
944. | остров | island | noun |
945. | статья | article | noun |
946. | позвонить | to call, to telephone | verb |
947. | столь | so | adverb |
948. | мешать | to interfere, prevent; mix | verb |
949. | водка | vodka | noun |
950. | темнота | darkness | noun |
951. | возникнуть | to arise, spring up(See #892) | verb |
952. | способный | capable (of) | adjective |
953. | станция | station | noun |
954. | желать | to wish | verb |
955. | попробовать | to try, test | verb |
956. | получаться | to come out | verb |
957. | гражданин | citizen | noun |
958. | странно | strangely | adverb |
959. | вскоре | soon, shortly | adverb |
960. | интересный | interesting | adjective |
961. | команда | team; command | noun |
962. | заболевание | disease, illness | noun |
963. | живот | stomach, belly | noun |
964. | ставить | to put, place, set | verb |
965. | ради | for the sake of | preposition |
966. | тишина | silence, stillness | noun |
967. | понятно | clearly, plainly | adverb |
968. | фронт | front | noun |
969. | щека | cheek | noun |
970. | страшно | terribly, awfully | adverb |
971. | район | area, region | noun |
972. | наверно | probably(See #461) | adverb |
973. | проводить | to lead, escort; accompany(See #713) | verb |
974. | выражение | expression | noun |
975. | слегка | slightly | adverb |
976. | мешок | bag, sack | noun |
977. | обещать | to promise | verb |
978. | дорогой | on the way | adjective |
979. | судить | to judge, try | verb |
980. | большинство | majority | noun |
981. | собраться | to gather, collect(See #479) | verb |
982. | управление | operation, control | noun |
983. | колоть | to prick | verb |
984. | мокрый | wet | adjective |
985. | приказ | order | noun |
986. | прямой | straight | adjective |
987. | закричать | to shout, cry out | verb |
988. | кончиться | to end | verb |
989. | куст | bush | noun |
990. | стрелять | to shoot | verb |
991. | художник | painter, artist | noun |
992. | знак | sign | noun |
993. | завод | factory | noun |
994. | кулак | fist | noun |
995. | использовать | to use, utilize, make use of | verb |
996. | стакан | glass | noun |
997. | пахнуть | to smell | verb |
998. | отсюда | from here | adverb |
999. | рот | mouth | noun |
1000. | пора | it's time;at times, now and then(See #279) | misc |
12 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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