1000+ Most Common Russian Words

Extended frequency list

If the first thousand of most common Russian words was not enough, we have great news for you! This extended list includes most frequent Russian words beyond the first thousand—all with English translations, rank, and part of speech classification. We plan to add up to 5000 most common words, so stay tuned and send us an email what you think.

Top Russian words: 1001-1100                   

Rank  Russian word   English translation   Part of speech
1001. переда́ть to hand over, deliver; broadcast; reproduceverb
1002. лече́ние treatmentnoun
1003. вы́сший higher; highest; supremeadjective
1004. су́тки 24 hours, day, day and nightnoun
1005. встава́ть to stand up, get up, riseverb
1006. опера́ция operationnoun
1007. простра́нство space, gapnoun
1008. споко́йный calm, quiet, placid, sereneadjective
1009. оде́жда clothes, clothing, garmentsnoun
1010. кусо́к piece, bitnoun
1011. те́ма theme, subjectnoun
1012. живо́тный animaladjective
1013. снима́ть to take off; to photograph; to rentverb
1014. иску́сство art, skill, craftnoun
1015. у́мный clever, smart, intelligentadjective
1016. ма́лый small, littleadjective
1017. курс course, year; exchange ratenoun
1018. звони́ть to ring, callverb
1019. очередно́й next, subsequent; regularadjective
1020. чу́до miracle, wondernoun
1021. ощуще́ние sensation, feelingnoun
1022. кра́йний outermost, extreme, utmostadjective
1023. напомина́ть to remind; resemble, look alikeverb
1024. приду́мать to devise, invent, think ofverb
1025. па́дать to fall, dropverb
1026. зда́ние building, structurenoun
1027. све́жий fresh, latestadjective
1028. поговори́ть to have a talk, talk a littleverb
1029. начина́ться to begin, start, set inverb
1030. мили́ция militia, policenoun
1031. приказа́ть to order, commandverb
1032. несмотря́ in spite of, notwithstanding, althoughmisc
1033. отту́да from thereadverb
1034. засмея́ться to begin to laugh, burst out laughingverb
1035. волна́ a wavenoun
1036. зада́ча task, problem, goalnoun
1037. каса́ться to touch, concernverb
1038. стару́ха old womannoun
1039. во́йско army, forcenoun
1040. срок period, gap, termnoun
1041. у́жас horrornoun
1042. у́зкий narrow, tightadjective
1043. материа́л materialnoun
1044. приня́ться to begin, startverb
1045. норма́льный normal, saneadjective
1046. крик cry, shout, screamnoun
1047. зна́ние knowledge, eruditionnoun
1048. тро́е threecardinal number
1049. четвёртый fourthord
1050. шум noise, murmur, uproarnoun
1051. заста́вить to compel, force; to block upverb
1052. автома́т automatic machine, slot machine; submachine gunnoun
1053. ре́зко sharply, abruptly; bluntlyadverb
1054. тётя auntnoun
1055. впечатле́ние impressionnoun
1056. па́уза pause, interval; restnoun
1057. глубина́ depth; profoundnessnoun
1058. до́ллар dollarnoun
1059. со́тня a hundrednoun
1060. винова́тый guiltyadjective
1061. студе́нт a student, undergraduatenoun
1062. боево́й combat, battle, militantadjective
1063. очко́ point; spot; holenoun
1064. нож knife, bladenoun
1065. поднима́ться to rise, go up, ascendverb
1066. мирово́й world, global; cosmicadjective
1067. предме́т object, subject, topicnoun
1068. плохо́й badadjective
1069. майо́р majornoun
1070. уда́рить to strike, hit, punchverb
1071. разуме́ться to be understoodverb
1072. то́чный exact, precise, correctadjective
1073. вся́кий any, everypronoun
1074. де́ятельность activity, worknoun
1075. инжене́р engineernoun
1076. програ́мма program, programmernoun
1077. костю́м suite, costumenoun
1078. же́нский female, woman's; feminineadjective
1079. кре́пкий strong, firm; potentadjective
1080. теа́тр theaternoun
1081. встреча́ться to meet, encounter; to see smbverb
1082. разли́чный different, diverse, variousadjective
1083. хвост tail; queuenoun
1084. танк tanknoun
1085. социа́льный socialadjective
1086. мёртвый dead, lifelessadjective
1087. попыта́ться to attempt, tryverb
1088. я́вно obviously, evidentlyadverb
1089. журна́л magazine, periodical, lognoun
1090. конь horse; knight (chess)noun
1091. схвати́ть to grasp;to catchverb
1092. вдоль alongpreposition
1093. стихи́ poem, versesnoun
1094. сте́пень degree; extent; power (math)noun
1095. отказа́ться to refuse, decline; to renounceverb
1096. вы́тащить to take out, pull out, extractverb
1097. предлага́ть to offer; to propose, suggestverb
1098. фигу́ра figure; piece (chess)noun
1099. ключ key; wrench; cluenoun
1100. чёрт devilnoun

Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.

Index of most common Russian words

  1. Top 1000 Russian words
  2. Russian words: 1001-1100

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