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If the first thousand of most common Russian words was not enough, we have great news for you! This extended list includes most frequent Russian words beyond the first thousand—all with English translations, rank, and part of speech classification. We plan to add up to 5000 most common words, so stay tuned and send us an email what you think.
Top Russian words: 1001-1100
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
1001. | переда́ть | to hand over, deliver; broadcast; reproduce | verb |
1002. | лече́ние | treatment | noun |
1003. | вы́сший | higher; highest; supreme | adjective |
1004. | су́тки | 24 hours, day, day and night | noun |
1005. | встава́ть | to stand up, get up, rise | verb |
1006. | опера́ция | operation | noun |
1007. | простра́нство | space, gap | noun |
1008. | споко́йный | calm, quiet, placid, serene | adjective |
1009. | оде́жда | clothes, clothing, garments | noun |
1010. | кусо́к | piece, bit | noun |
1011. | те́ма | theme, subject | noun |
1012. | живо́тный | animal | adjective |
1013. | снима́ть | to take off; to photograph; to rent | verb |
1014. | иску́сство | art, skill, craft | noun |
1015. | у́мный | clever, smart, intelligent | adjective |
1016. | ма́лый | small, little | adjective |
1017. | курс | course, year; exchange rate | noun |
1018. | звони́ть | to ring, call | verb |
1019. | очередно́й | next, subsequent; regular | adjective |
1020. | чу́до | miracle, wonder | noun |
1021. | ощуще́ние | sensation, feeling | noun |
1022. | кра́йний | outermost, extreme, utmost | adjective |
1023. | напомина́ть | to remind; resemble, look alike | verb |
1024. | приду́мать | to devise, invent, think of | verb |
1025. | па́дать | to fall, drop | verb |
1026. | зда́ние | building, structure | noun |
1027. | све́жий | fresh, latest | adjective |
1028. | поговори́ть | to have a talk, talk a little | verb |
1029. | начина́ться | to begin, start, set in | verb |
1030. | мили́ция | militia, police | noun |
1031. | приказа́ть | to order, command | verb |
1032. | несмотря́ | in spite of, notwithstanding, although | misc |
1033. | отту́да | from there | adverb |
1034. | засмея́ться | to begin to laugh, burst out laughing | verb |
1035. | волна́ | a wave | noun |
1036. | зада́ча | task, problem, goal | noun |
1037. | каса́ться | to touch, concern | verb |
1038. | стару́ха | old woman | noun |
1039. | во́йско | army, force | noun |
1040. | срок | period, gap, term | noun |
1041. | у́жас | horror | noun |
1042. | у́зкий | narrow, tight | adjective |
1043. | материа́л | material | noun |
1044. | приня́ться | to begin, start | verb |
1045. | норма́льный | normal, sane | adjective |
1046. | крик | cry, shout, scream | noun |
1047. | зна́ние | knowledge, erudition | noun |
1048. | тро́е | three | cardinal number |
1049. | четвёртый | fourth | ord |
1050. | шум | noise, murmur, uproar | noun |
1051. | заста́вить | to compel, force; to block up | verb |
1052. | автома́т | automatic machine, slot machine; submachine gun | noun |
1053. | ре́зко | sharply, abruptly; bluntly | adverb |
1054. | тётя | aunt | noun |
1055. | впечатле́ние | impression | noun |
1056. | па́уза | pause, interval; rest | noun |
1057. | глубина́ | depth; profoundness | noun |
1058. | до́ллар | dollar | noun |
1059. | со́тня | a hundred | noun |
1060. | винова́тый | guilty | adjective |
1061. | студе́нт | a student, undergraduate | noun |
1062. | боево́й | combat, battle, militant | adjective |
1063. | очко́ | point; spot; hole | noun |
1064. | нож | knife, blade | noun |
1065. | поднима́ться | to rise, go up, ascend | verb |
1066. | мирово́й | world, global; cosmic | adjective |
1067. | предме́т | object, subject, topic | noun |
1068. | плохо́й | bad | adjective |
1069. | майо́р | major | noun |
1070. | уда́рить | to strike, hit, punch | verb |
1071. | разуме́ться | to be understood | verb |
1072. | то́чный | exact, precise, correct | adjective |
1073. | вся́кий | any, every | pronoun |
1074. | де́ятельность | activity, work | noun |
1075. | инжене́р | engineer | noun |
1076. | програ́мма | program, programmer | noun |
1077. | костю́м | suite, costume | noun |
1078. | же́нский | female, woman's; feminine | adjective |
1079. | кре́пкий | strong, firm; potent | adjective |
1080. | теа́тр | theater | noun |
1081. | встреча́ться | to meet, encounter; to see smb | verb |
1082. | разли́чный | different, diverse, various | adjective |
1083. | хвост | tail; queue | noun |
1084. | танк | tank | noun |
1085. | социа́льный | social | adjective |
1086. | мёртвый | dead, lifeless | adjective |
1087. | попыта́ться | to attempt, try | verb |
1088. | я́вно | obviously, evidently | adverb |
1089. | журна́л | magazine, periodical, log | noun |
1090. | конь | horse; knight (chess) | noun |
1091. | схвати́ть | to grasp;to catch | verb |
1092. | вдоль | along | preposition |
1093. | стихи́ | poem, verses | noun |
1094. | сте́пень | degree; extent; power (math) | noun |
1095. | отказа́ться | to refuse, decline; to renounce | verb |
1096. | вы́тащить | to take out, pull out, extract | verb |
1097. | предлага́ть | to offer; to propose, suggest | verb |
1098. | фигу́ра | figure; piece (chess) | noun |
1099. | ключ | key; wrench; clue | noun |
1100. | чёрт | devil | noun |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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English: Sberbank of Russia