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This page continues the frequency list for 1000 most common Russian words and their English translations.
Top Russian words: 801-900 11 of 12 | < Prev Next >
Rank | Russian word | English translation | Part of speech |
801. | улыбка | smile | noun |
802. | борьба | fight, struggle | noun |
803. | ворот | collar | noun |
804. | ящик | box, case | noun |
805. | этаж | floor, storey | noun |
806. | служить | to serve | verb |
807. | вновь | again, once more | adverb |
808. | голубой | blue, sky-blue | adjective |
809. | нечего | there is nothing, there is no need | misc |
810. | революция | revolution | noun |
811. | впервые | for the first time | adverb |
812. | сосед | neighbour | noun |
813. | сестра | sister | noun |
814. | долгий | long | adjective |
815. | чей | whose | pronoun |
816. | поверить | to believe | verb |
817. | ситуация | situation | noun |
818. | взглянуть | to look, give a glance | verb |
819. | слабый | weak | adjective |
820. | количество | quantity | noun |
821. | вызывать (See #663) | to call, send | verb |
822. | уверенный | confident, sure | adjective |
823. | выход | exit | noun |
824. | совет | advice; masterrussian, dot com | noun |
825. | дурак | fool, idiot | noun |
826. | любимый | dear, loved | adjective |
827. | союз | union, alliance; conjunction | noun |
828. | лето | summer | noun |
829. | ожидать | to expect | verb |
830. | пришлый | alien, strange | adjective |
831. | висеть | to hang | verb |
832. | граница | border | noun |
833. | цвет | colour, color | noun |
834. | серьёзный | serious | adjective |
835. | создать | to create, establish | verb |
836. | интересно | interestingly | adverb |
837. | свобода | freedom | noun |
838. | зато | but, but then | conjunction |
839. | стул | chair | noun |
840. | уехать | to leave, depart | verb |
841. | поезд | train | noun |
842. | музыка | music | noun |
843. | быстрый | quick, fast | adjective |
844. | тень | shadow | noun |
845. | лошадь | horse | noun |
846. | поле | field | noun |
847. | выглядеть | to look | verb |
848. | учиться | to study, learn | verb |
849. | левый | left | adjective |
850. | разговаривать | to talk, speak | verb |
851. | детский | child's, children's | adjective |
852. | тип | type, model | noun |
853. | суд | court, law-court | noun |
854. | связанный | related, connected, tied-up | adjective |
855. | горячий | hot | adjective |
856. | площадь | square, area | noun |
857. | помогать | to help, assist(See #736) | verb |
858. | счастливый | happy | adjective |
859. | повернуться | to turn | verb |
860. | позволить | to allow, permit | verb |
861. | встретить | to meet | verb |
862. | радость | gladness, joy | noun |
863. | острый | sharp; spicy | adjective |
864. | возраст | age | noun |
865. | орган | organ, body | noun |
866. | карта | map | noun |
867. | входить | to enter, come in | verb |
868. | обнаружить | to discover, find out | verb |
869. | король | king | noun |
870. | слава | glory, fame | noun |
871. | полковник | colonel | noun |
872. | мелкий | shallow, small | adjective |
873. | бок | side, flank | noun |
874. | цена | price | noun |
875. | информация | information | noun |
876. | мозг | brain | noun |
877. | удовольствие | pleasure | noun |
878. | воля | will | noun |
879. | область | oblast, province; field | noun |
880. | крыша | roof | noun |
881. | нести | to carry | verb |
882. | обратно | back, backwards | adverb |
883. | современный | contemporary, modern, up-to-date | adjective |
884. | дама | lady, partner, queen | noun |
885. | семь | seven | cardinal number |
886. | весёлый | cheerful, merry | adjective |
887. | прислать | to send | verb |
888. | сад | garden, yard | noun |
889. | правительство | government | noun |
890. | милый | nice, sweet, dear | adjective |
891. | относиться | to treat, regard, relate | verb |
892. | возникать | to arise, appear(See #951) | verb |
893. | мол | he says, they say, etc. | misc |
894. | повторить | to repeat | verb |
895. | название | name, title | noun |
896. | средний | average, middle | adjective |
897. | пример | example | noun |
898. | невозможно | impossible | adverb |
899. | зеркало | mirror | noun |
900. | погибнуть | to perish, be killed | verb |
Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for the Russian language by Serge Sharoff.
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