Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "foot" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
foot, leg
Part of speech: noun (feminine noun)
Rank: #124 (see frequency list)
Female legs, Photo 2004 (c) Matthew Bowden
- У неё краси́вые но́ги.
- She has beautiful legs.
- Анто́н сел в кре́сло и положи́л но́ги на стол.
- Anton sat in the chair and put his feet on the table.
- У него́ боли́т нога́.
- His leg hurts. (His foot hurts.)
- Он усе́лся в кре́сло, заки́нув но́гу на́ ногу.
- He seated himself into the chair with his legs crossed.
- Под нога́ми тя́нется тропи́нка.
- The path stretches under [one's] feet.
- Но́вые боти́нки натёрли но́ги.
- New boots rubbed [one's] feet sore.
- На́до отсю́да но́ги де́лать.
- [We] need to get out of here.
- literal Need to make legs out of here.
- Сего́дня я с шести́ утра́ на нога́х.
- I've been up and awake since 6 a.m.
- Она́ сиде́ла с нога́ми в углу́ дива́на.
- She was sitting in the corner of the sofa with her legs tucked.
- Макси́м положи́л рюкза́к под но́ги.
- Maxim put the backpack under his feet.

- положить ногу на ногу = to cross one's legs
literal put leg on leg - закидывать ногу на ногу = to cross one's legs
literal throw leg on leg - вверх ногами = head over heels; upside down
literal [with] legs upwards - со всех ног = as fast as one can
literal off all legs - с головы до ног = from head to foot
- идти в ногу (+ instrumental) = to keep pace (with)
literal go in leg - идти не в ногу = to get out of step
literal go not in leg - поднять всех на ноги = to raise a general alarm
literal raise everybody on legs - стать на ноги = to find one's feet; become independent
literal stand on legs - путаться под ногами = to mess across one's course
literal to meddle under legs - нога за ногу заплетается = to be falling off one's feet
literal a leg behind a leg plaits - Связать по рукам и ногам. = To bind somebody hand and foot
- Твёрдо стоять на ногах. = To stand on one's own two feet.
- уносить ноги = to take to one's heels; to pull foot
literal to carry legs [away] - Встать с левой ноги. = To get up with one's wrong foot foremost.
- протянуть ноги = to depart this life; to die
literal to stretch legs - одна нога здесь, другая там = in a quick manner; immediately; fast
literal one leg here, another there - жить на широкую ногу = to live in grand style
literal to live on a broad leg - ни в зуб ного́й = to understand / know nothing; to be incompetent
literal not in a tooth with a leg - ноги в руки = in a manner when someone quickly summons his/her strength; starts something with a vigor
literal legs in hands
- Взяв руками, не отдают ногами.
- Omittance is no quittance.
- literal Having taken with hands, don't return with legs.
- Земля горит под ногами.
- The ground is slipping from under one's feet.
- literal The ground burns under one's feet.
- Конь о четырёх ногах, да и тот спотыкается.
- A horse stumbles that has four legs.
- Ложь на гнилых ногах ходит.
- Lies have short legs.
- literal Lies walks on rotten legs.
- Волка ноги кормят.
- A hound's food is in its legs.
- literal Legs feed the wolf.
- Посади свинью за стол, она и ноги на стол.
- Ask a pig to sit at the dinner table it will put its legs on the table.
Case |
Singular |
Plural |
Nominative | нога́ | но́ги |
Genitive | ноги́ | но́г |
Dative | ноге́ | нога́м |
Accusative | но́гу | но́ги |
Instrumental | ного́й (ного́ю) | нога́ми |
Prepositional | ноге́ | нога́х |
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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