Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "your (plural)" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
your (plural), yours (plural), your (polite address), yours (polite address)
Part of speech: pronoun
Rank: #142 (see frequency list)
Where's your passport?
Photo by gcardinal, licensed under CC SA 2.0
- Это ваш словáрь?
- Is that your dictionary?
- Мой зóнтик здесь, а ваш - там.
- My umbrella is here and yours is there.
- Катя - Ваша подруга?
- Is Katia your friend? (polite)
- Приезжáйте с Вáшим му́жем!
- Come with your husband. (polite)
- У меня нет Вáшего пácпорта!
- I don't have your passport! (polite)
- Вы уже сказáли об э́том Вáшему отцу́?
- Have you told your father about it? (polite)
- Они уже знáют о Вáшей коллéкции.
- They know about your collection already. (polite)
- Что знáчит э́то слóво в вáшем языкé?
- What does this word mean in your language?
- Вáше высóчество, к Вам посóл Фрáнции.
- Your highness, the ambassador of France ahas arrived. (polite)
- Как там вáши поживáют?
- How is your family doing?
- literal How are yours living?
- Ваш Петрóв прócто неудáчник!
- Your friend Petrov is just a looser!
- literal Your Petrov is just a looser!

- по вáшему мнéнию = in your opinion
- на ваш взгляд = that is your own business in your opinion
- э́то не вáше дéло = it's none of your business
- по-вáшему = in your opinion
- Вáше благорóдие = your Honour
- Вáше превосходи́тельство = your Excellency
- Вáше сия́тельство = your Excellency
- Вáше высóчество = your Highness
- Вáше вели́чество = your Majesty
- э́то не вáше дéло = that is your own business
- вáша взялá = you've won
- к вáшему свéдению = just so you know
- Ваш, Вáша = Yours (letter ending)
- твой = your, yours (friendly address)
- егó = his
- еë = her
- наш = our, ours
- их = their, theirs
- Бы́ло вáше, стáло нáше.
- It was yours, but it's ours now!
- Вáши скáчут, а нáши плáчут.
- What is bad for some people is good for other people.
- literal Your people jump and our people cry.
- Вáши пьют, а нáши пья́ных бьют.
- What is bad for some people is good for other people.
- literal Your people drink and our people hit the drunk.
case |
singular |
plural |
masculine |
neuter |
feminine |
Nominative | ва́ш | ва́ше | ва́ша | ва́ши |
Genitive | ва́шего | ва́шего | ва́шей | ва́ших |
Dative | ва́шему | ва́шему | ва́шей | ва́шим |
Accusative (anim/inanim) | ва́шего/ ва́ш | ва́ше | ва́шу | ва́ших/ ва́ши |
Instrumental | ва́шим | ва́шим | ва́шей | ва́шими |
Prepositional | ва́шем | ва́шем | ва́шей | ва́ших |
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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