Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "light " in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
light , easy, slight
Part of speech: adjective
Rank: #525 (see frequency list)
Is the suitcase light or heavy?
Photo by Editor B CC-BY-2.0
- Чемодáн лëгкий и́ли тяжëлый?
- Is the suitcase light or heavy?
- Су́мка былá совcéм лëгкая.
- The bag wasn't heavy at all.
- literal The bag was very light.
- Нáша рабóта былá лëгкой.
- Our work was easy.
- В лëгких брю́ках ты замëрзнешь!
- You'll be cold with the light trousers on!
- literal You'll freeze in the light trousers!
- Зáвтрак дóлжен быть лëгким.
- Breakfast has to be light.
- Я не ожидáл такóго лëгкого экзáмена.
- I didn't expect the exam to be so easy.
- Детекти́вы - э́то лëгкое чтéние.
- Detective stories are an easy reading.
- На мóре дул лëгкий ветерóк.
- A light wind was blowing on the seaside.
- Егó лëгкий францу́зский акцéнт своди́л меня́ с умá.
- His slight French accent was driving me crazy.
- У неë былá лëгкая похóдка и лëгкий харáктер.
- She has a light step and a sweet temper.

- лёгкий зáработок = easy earnings
literal east earning - лёгкая добы́ча = easy mark
- лёгкий акцéнт = slight accent
- лёгкое винó = light wine
- лёгкое замешáтельство = slight confusion
- лёгкая похóдка = light step
- лёгким движéнием руки́ = with a subtle movement
literal with a light hand movement - лёгкая му́зыка = light music
literal light music - лёгкое чтéние = light reading
- лёгкие нрáвы = lax morals
- лёгкий зáвтрак = light breakfast
- лёгкая атлéтика = track and field athletics
literal light athletics - лёгкие дéньги = easy money
- лёгкая промы́шленность = light industry
- с вáшей лёгкой руки́ = following your example
literal with your light hand - лёгок на поми́не! = talk of the devil
literal easy to mention - лёгкий на подъём = light on one's feet
literal light to lift - жéнщина лёгкого поведéния = woman of easy virtue
literal woman of easy behaviour - с лёгким пáром! = I hope you've enjoyed your bath!
literal with a light steam! - лéгче лёгкого = as easy as can be
literal easier than easy
- легкó = easily, lightly, slightly
- простóй = easy, simple
- лëгкие = lungs
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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