Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "result" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
result, outcome
Part of speech: noun (masculine noun)
Rank: #593 (see frequency list)
You've got a perfect result. Congratulations!
Photo by comedy_nose CC-BY-2.0
- У тебя́ отли́чный результáт! Поздравля́ю!
- You've got a perfect result. Congratulations!
- Я довóлен свои́ми результáтами.
- I'm happy with my results.
- literal I'm pleased with my results.
- Каковы́ результáты вы́боров?
- What are the election results?
- Предвари́тельных результáтов ещë нет.
- There're no prior results yet.
- В результáте у нас ничегó не вы́шло.
- We finally didn't manage to do it.
- literal As a result nothing came out at us.
- В результáте авáрии он получи́л тяжëлые трáвмы.
- He got seriously injured in an accident.
- literal As a result of an accident, he received hard injuries.
- Cпортсмéнка значи́тельно улу́чшила свой результáт в бéге на 100 мéтров.
- The sportswoman drastically improved her result in the 100-meter race.
- Ну вот и результáты твоéй лéни!
- Ok, here're the results of your idleness!
- Пловéц показáл рекóрдно высóкие результáты и получи́л медáль.
- The swimmer showed record-breaking results and received a medal.
- Что-нибу́дь ужé извécтно о результáтах кóнкурса?
- Do you already know anything about the results of the contest?
- literal Is everythinng already known about the results of the contest?

- доби́ться хорóших результáтов = make good progress
literal achieve good results - результаты выборов = election results, election returns
literal election results - результаты исследования = findings
literal investigation results - давать результаты = yield results
literal give results - в результате = as a result
- результати́вный = effective
- успéх = success
- итóги = totals
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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