Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "help" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
help, assistance, aid
Part of speech: noun (feminine noun)
Rank: #431 (see frequency list)
Do you need my help?
Photo by vtdainfo CC-BY-2.0
- Тебé нужнá моя́ пóмощь?
- Do you need my help?
- Без егó пóмощи я бы не спрáвился.
- Without his help I wouldn't have managed it.
- Друзья́ всегдá прихóдят на пóмощь.
- Friends always come to the aid.
- На пóмощь! Меня́ укуси́ла собáка!
- Help! I've been bitten by a dog!
- literal Help! A dog bit me!
- Дéти, а вы умéете окáзывать пéрвую пóмощь?
- Children, can you give the first aid?
- Вчерá я ви́дел у подъéзда маши́ну скóрой пóмощи.
- Yesterday I saw an ambulance at the entrance.
- Онá обошлáсь без посторóнней пóмощи.
- She managed to do it without any assistance.
- literal She managed without side help.
- C пóмощью э́того аппарáта мы смóжем перемещáться во врéмени!
- With the help of this machine we'll be able to move in time.
- Инвали́ды всегдá получáют материа́льную пóмощь.
- Disabled people always receive material aid.
- Скóро мы бу́дем убирáться при пóмощи рóботов.
- We'll be able to clean with the use of robots soon.
- literal We'll be able to clean with the help of robots soon.

- пóмощь на дому́ = home help
- без пóмощи = unassisted
literal without help - без посторóнней пóмощи = unassisted, single-handed
literal without outside help - при пóмощи = by means of
- с пóмощью = with the help of
- пéрвая пóмощь = first aid
- cкóрая пóмощь = ambulance
- тeхни́ческая пóмощь = technical assistance
- оказáть пóмощь = give help
- приходи́ть на пóмощь = сome to the aid
- подáть ру́ку пóмощи = lend a hand
literal give a helping hand - на пóмощь! = help!
- материáльная пóмощь = material aid, pecuniary aid
literal material help - Бог в пóмощь! = God help you!
- помóчь = help (verb)
- помогáть = help (verb)
- помóщник = helper
- поддéржка = support (noun)
- Блу́дному сы́ну не в пóмощь богáтство.
- Richness won't help a prodigal son.
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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