Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "husband" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
husband, man
Part of speech: noun (masculine noun)
Rank: #423 (see frequency list)
Have you already met my husband Roman?
Photo by ginsnob CC-BY-SA-2.0
- Мой муж - прекрácный человéк.
- My husband is a wonderful person.
- Ты ужé знакóма с мои́м му́жем Ромáном?
- Have you already met my husband Roman?
- literal Do you already know my husband Roman?
- Как же ты живëшь без му́жа, бéдная!
- How do you manage to live without a husband, poor!
- literal How do you live without a husband, poor!
- У неë к му́жу нет никаки́х претéнзий.
- She has no сomplaints about her husband.
- literal She has no pretensions towards her husband.
- Их мужья́ - италья́нцы.
- Their husbands are Italian.
- Онá уже сказáла му́жу, что ухóдит от негó?
- Has she already told her husband that she is leaving him?
- У нас с бы́вшим му́жем сохрани́лись хорóшие отношéния.
- I maintain good relations with my ex-husband.
- Приéдут Кáтя и Сáша с мужья́ми, бу́дет вéсело!
- Katya and Sasha will come with their husbands, we will have fun!
- Неужéли бывáют вéрные мужья́?
- Do faithful husbands really exist?
- Он тепéрь такóй вáжный, настоя́щий госудáрственный муж!
- He is so pompous now, like a real statesman!
- literal He is so important now, a real statesman!

- госудáрственный муж = a statesman
- муж нау́ки = scholars
- бы́вший муж = an ex-husband
- вéрный муж = a faithful husband
- изменя́ть му́жу = to be unfaithful to smb's husband
- мужчи́на = a man
- муженëк = a husband (tender or ironic)
- женá = a wife
- Cловá не мáльчика, но му́жа.
- Your opinion is serious and reasonable.
- literal Not boy's words, but man's words.
- Муж - головá, женá - душá.
- Husband is the head and wife is the soul.
Case |
Singular |
Plural |
Nominative | муж | мужья́ (мужи́) |
Genitive | му́жа | муже́й (муже́й) |
Dative | му́жу | мужья́м (мужа́м) |
Accusative | му́жа | муже́й (муже́й) |
Instrumental | му́жем | мужья́ми (мужа́ми) |
Prepositional | му́же | мужья́х (мужа́х) |
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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