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This page continues the alphabetical list of Russian proverbs and sayings along with their English versions and literal translations.
Russian proverbs: н 8 of 15 | < Prev Next >
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На безры́бье и рак -- ры́ба.
| Something is better than nothing. Literal: On a fishing lull, even a crayfish is fish. |
На Бо́га наде́йся, а сам не плоша́й. | Trust in God, but lock your car. Literal: Hope for God, but do not be reliant. |
На Бо́га поло́жишься -- не обло́жишься. | Literal: If you rely on God, you won't fail. |
На брю́хе шёлк, а в брю́хе щёлк. | All hat and no cattle. Literal: On the belly there is silk, and in the belly - just a click. |
На весь свет не угодишь. | If you try to please all you will please none. |
На вкус и цвет това́рищей нет. | There's no accounting for taste. Literal: There are no friends in tastes and colors. |
На во́ре ша́пка гори́т. | A guilty mind betrays itself. Literal: A thief's hat is burning. |
На всех не угоди́шь | He who pleased everybody died before he was born. Literal: You cannot please everybody. |
На вся́кого мудреца́ дово́льно простоты́. | Homer sometimes nods. Literal: For each wise man there are plenty of fools. |
На зе́ркало не́ча пеня́ть, ко́ли ро́жа крива́. | Literal: If your face looks skewed, don't blame the mirror. |
На ловца́ и зверь бежи́т. | Speak of the devil, and he appears. Literal: Prey runs into a trapper. |
На миру́ и смерть красна́. | Together with your people even the death is respectable. |
На то и щу́ка в мо́ре, что́бы кара́сь не дрема́л. | Literal: The pike in the sea is there to make the crucian to stay alert. |
На халя́ву и у́ксус сла́док. | Vinegar that is free, is sweeter than honey. Literal: Even vinegar is sweet when for freebie. |
На что и шапка, коли головы нет. | Не that has nо head needs no hat. |
На чужо́й карава́й рот не разева́й. | Don't keep your mouth open. Literal: Don't open your mouth to eat other people's bread. |
На чужо́й рото́к не наки́нешь плато́к. | It is impossible to throw a shawl over someone's mouth. Literal: you can't throw a handkerchief over somebody's mouth. |
На чужо́й сторо́нушке рад свое́й воро́нушке. | The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet. Literal: In the foreign country you are glad to see even the crow from your land. |
На чужо́м го́ре сча́стья не постро́ишь. | Literal: One can't build one's happiness on others' grief. |
На языке́ мёд, а на се́рдце -- лёд. | A honey tongue, a heart of gall. Literal: On the tongue there's honey, and on the heart there's ice. |
Назва́лся гру́здем -- полеза́й в ку́зов. | If you undertook something, do it; If you pledge, don't hedge. Literal: If you called yourself a milk-mushroom -- get into the basket! |
Назло мужу сяду в лужу. | To bite off one's nose to spite somebody's face. |
Нашла́ коса́ на ка́мень. | Diamond cut diamond.; You have met your match. Literal: The scythe has hit a stone. |
Не бо́ги горшки́ обжига́ют. | It is not the gods who burn our pots. Literal: It's not gods who make pots. |
Не бо́йся соба́ки, что ла́ет, а бо́йся той, что молчи́т и хвосто́м виля́ет. | It's the quiet ones you gotta watch. Literal: Don't be afraid of the dog who barks, but be afraid of the one who is silent and wags its tail. |
Не буди́ ли́ха, пока́ спит ти́хо. | Don't trouble till trouble troubles you; Let sleeping dogs lie. Literal: Don't wake up trouble while it sleeps quietly. |
Не́ было бы сча́стья, да несча́стье помогло́. | A blessing in disguise. Literal: I would have had no luck, if not for misfortune. |
Не́ было у ба́бы хлопо́т, так купи́ла порося́. | You've asked for trouble. Literal: The woman had no trouble, so she bought a piglet. |
Не в свои сани не садись. | Do not try to sit in the sledge not belonging to you. |
Не в силе правда, в правде сила. | Power is not revealed by striking hard or often, but by striking true. Literal: Truth is not in power, rather power is in truth. |
Не всё коту́ ма́сленица, бу́дет и вели́кий пост. | Life's not all beer and skittles; Life's not all wine and roses; I never promised you a bed of roses Literal: Not every day is a Shrovetide, in time it will be a Lent. |
Не всё то зо́лото, что блести́т. | All that glitters is not gold. Literal: Not every glittering thing is gold. |
Не говори́ гоп, пока́ не перепры́гнешь. | Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Literal: Don't exclaim "Up" having not yet made a jump. |
Не гони́ коня́ кнуто́м, а гони́ коня́ рублём. | Money makes the mare go. Literal: Don't drive the horse with a whip, but drive the horse with a ruble. |
Не да́вши сло́ва -- крепи́сь, а да́вши -- держи́сь. | Don't make a promise you can't keep. Literal: Not having given a word try to prevent to promise, but having had given a word be strong. |
Не за то во́лка бьют, что сер, а за то, что овцу́ съел. | Love the sinner, but hate the sin. Literal: The wolf is beaten not for being grey, but for having eaten a sheep. |
Не зна́я бро́ду, не су́йся в во́ду. | Wait for the cat to jump. Literal: Don't wade into a river without knowing a ford. |
Не име́й дру́га пота́тчика, а име́й дру́га попере́чника. | Literal: Don't have a friend who always agrees with you, but have a friend who argues with you. |
Не име́й сто рубле́й, а име́й сто друзе́й. | A faithful friend is better than gold. Literal: Don't have hundred rubles, rather have hundred friends. |
Не клади́ все я́йца в одну́ корзи́ну. | Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Literal: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. |
Не ме́сто кра́сит челове́ка, а челове́к -- ме́сто. | It isn't the place that graces the man, but man the place. Literal: It isn't the place that graces the man, but man the place. |
Не красна́ изба́ угла́ми, а красна́ пирога́ми. | A fine cage does not fill a bird's belly. Literal: The house is good not for its wealth, but for its cordial and hospitable owners. |
Не мечи́те би́сер пе́ред сви́ньями. | Don't cast your pearls before swine. Literal: Don't cast beads in front of pigs. |
Не мытьём, так ка́таньем. | By hook or by crook. Literal: If not by washing, then by rolling. |
Не надобен и клад, коли в семье лад. | A family that lives in love and accord does not need any treasures. Literal: Treasure is not required when there is harmony in the family. |
Не ошиба́ется тот, кто ничего́ не де́лает. | He who makes no mistakes makes nothing. Literal: Only he who does nothing makes no mistakes. |
Не плюй в коло́дец -- пригоди́тся воды напи́ться. | Never cast dirt into that fountain of which you have sometime drunk.; Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Literal: Do not spit into a well--it may be useful to drink water. |
Не по словам судят, а по делам. | Actions speak louder than words. Literal: They judge not by words, but by deeds. |
Не по́йман -- не во́р. | Innocent till proven guilty. Literal: Unless caught stealing, one is not a thief. |
Не рой друго́му я́му, сам в неё попадёшь. | Curses like chickens come home to roost. Literal: Don't dig a pit for somebody to fall into, or you will end up in it yourself. |
Не руби́ сук, на кото́ром сиди́шь. | Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Literal: Don't hack the branch you are sitting on. |
Не сади дерева корнем кверху. | Do not plant a tree with its root upward. |
Не спра́шивай ста́рого, спра́шивай быва́лого. | Ask not the old, but the old-timer. Literal: Don't ask the old one, ask the experienced one. |
Не суди́те и да не суди́мы бу́дете. | Judge not, lest ye be judged. Literal: Don't judge and you won't be judged. |
Не так стра́шен чёрт, как его́ малю́ют. | The devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Literal: The devil is not as scary as they paint (draw) him. |
Не учи́ учёного. | Don't teach fish to swim. Literal: Do not teach a learned person. |
Незва́ный гость ху́же тата́рина. | Uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar. Literal: An unsolicited guest is worse than a Tatar. |
Нем, как ры́ба. | Silent as a grave. Literal: Mute as a fish. |
Нет ды́ма без огня́. | There is no smoke without fire. Literal: There is no smoke without fire. |
Нет ничего невозможного. | Nothing is impossible. |
Нет плохи́х судо́в, нет плохи́х ветро́в, есть плохи́е капита́ны. | Literal: There are no bad ships or winds, there are bad captains. |
Нет ху́да без добра́. | Every cloud has a silver lining. Literal: There's no bad without the good. |
Ни бэ, ни мэ, ни кукаре́ку. | Literal: Neither 'baaah', nor 'maaah', nor even 'cock-a-doodle-do'. |
Ни к селу́, ни к го́роду. | Neither here nor there Literal: Not for village, not for town. |
Ни пу́ха, ни пера́. | Good luck! Literal: Neither bird's down, nor feather. |
Ни ры́ба, ни мя́со. | Neither fish nor flesh. Literal: Neither fish nor meat. |
Ни складу ни ладу. | Neither rhyme nor reason; You told it through your hat; You lied through your teeth. Literal: Neither rhyme nor harmony. |
Ничего святого. | Nothing is sacred for you. |
Ничто не вечно под луной. | Morning sun never lasts a day. |
Ничто не ново под луной. | There is nothing new under the sun. |
Но́вая метла по-но́вому метёт. | A new broom sweeps clean.; In with the new and out with the old. Literal: A new broom sweeps in a new way. |
Новые хозяева -- новые законы. | New lords, new laws. |
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