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This page continues the alphabetical list of Russian proverbs and sayings along with their English versions and literal translations.
Russian proverbs: в 2 of 15 | < Prev Next >
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В глаза льстит, а за глаза пакостит.
| To carry fire in one hand and water in the other. |
В гостя́х хорошо́, а до́ма лу́чше. | There's no place like home.; East or West, home is best. Literal: It is good to be visiting, but it is better at home. |
В каждой шутке есть доля правды. | Many a true word is spoken in jest. |
В кулаке все пальцы равны. | Teeth are all friends among each other. |
В нога́х правды не́т. | Take a seat, please. Literal: There is no truth in feet. |
В огоро́де бузина́, а в Ки́еве дя́дька. | Red herring. Literal: Elder-berry is in the kitchen-garden, and the uncle is in Kiev. |
В родном углу всё по нутру. | It is good to be visiting, but it is better at home. |
В семье́ не без уро́да. | Every family has its black sheep. Literal: No family has no ugly member. |
В темноте все кошки серы. | All cats are grey in the dark. |
В тесноте́, да не в оби́де. | The more the merrier. Literal: In a crush, yet without resentment. |
В ти́хом о́муте че́рти во́дятся. | Still waters run deep. Literal: It's the still waters that are inhabited by devils. |
В Ту́лу со свои́м самова́ром не е́здят. | When in Rome, do as Romans do. Literal: Nobody goes to Tula with one's own samovar. (Tula is famous as city where the best Russian samovars are made) |
В чужо́й монасты́рь со свои́м уста́вом не хо́дят. | When in Rome, do as Romans do. Literal: Nobody goes to another monastery with one's own charter. |
В чужо́м глазу́ сори́нку заме́тно, а в своём -- бревна́ не вида́ть. | And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but perceivest not the beam that is in thine own eye? (Luke 6:41) Literal: In another persons' eye one can notice a mote, but in one's own - cannot see a log. |
В чужу́ю жену́ чёрт ло́жку мёда кладёт. | The devil puts a touch of honey in a neighbor's wife. Literal: The devil puts a spoonful of honey into others' wife. |
Важно не то, как долго ты прожил, а как хорошо жил. | How well you live makes a difference, not how long. |
Вали́ на се́рого, се́рый всё свезёт. | Literal: Put everything onto the grey horse, he'll bear anything. |
Вашими уста́ми, да мёд пить. | It is too good to be true. Literal: I'd like to drink honey with your lips. |
Век живи́ -- век учи́сь. | Live and learn. Literal: Live for a century -- learn for a century. |
Велик местом, а говорить не с кем. | Better fed than taught. |
Вели́к те́лом, да мал де́лом. | Penny wise and pound foolish. Literal: Big of the body but small by his deeds. |
Вертит языком, что корова хвостом. | As garrulous as a magpie. Literal: He twirls his tongue as the cow twirls its tail. |
Весело́ весе́лье -- тяжело́ похме́лье. | Literal: Revelry is jolly, hangover is heavy. |
Взя́лся за гуж -- не говори́, что не дюж. | If you pledge, don't hedge. Literal: When taking the tug do not say "I am powerless". |
Ви́дит о́ко, да зуб неймёт. | Eyes watch but cannot take.; So near and yet so far. Literal: The eye can see it, but the tooth can't bite it. |
Видна́ пти́ца по полёту. | A bird may be known by its song. Literal: The bird is known by its flight. |
Видно мастера по работе. | The work shows the workman. |
Ви́лами на воде́ пи́сано. | Nobody knows whether it will happen or not. Literal: This is written with pitchfork on a flowing water. |
Вино́ вину́ твори́т. | When wine is in, wit is out. Literal: Wine causes guilt. |
Вкру́те и вяз перело́мишь | Literal: In affect you can break even an elm. |
Вме́сте те́сно, а врозь ску́чно. | You can't live with them and you can't live without them. Literal: Together, it's cramped; apart, it's boring. |
Вода́ ка́мень то́чит. | Little strokes fell great oaks. Literal: Water cuts through stone. |
Волк в ове́чьей шку́ре. | Wolf in sheep's clothing. Literal: Wolf in sheep's pelt. |
Во́лка но́ги ко́рмят. | A hound's food is in its legs. Literal: The feet feed the wolf. |
Волко́в боя́ться -- в лес не ходи́ть. | If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Literal: If you're afraid of wolves, don't go to the woods. |
Волков бояться -- дров не иметь. | Being afraid of wolfs do not go to the forest. |
Вор у во́ра дуби́нку укра́л. | There is no honor among thieves. Literal: A thief stole other thief's club. |
Во́рон во́рону глаз не вы́клюет. | Hawks will not pick out hawk's eye. Literal: The raven will not peck another raven's eye. |
Вору потакать -- что самому воровать. | The receiver is as bad as the thief. |
Вот в чём загво́здка. | That's where the shoe pinches; That's the crux. Literal: That's the snag! |
Вот где соба́ка зары́та. | That's where the shoe pinches; That's the crux. Literal: That's where the dog is buried. |
Во́т тебе, ба́бушка, и Ю́рьев де́нь. | What an unpleasant surprise! Literal: That's, grandma, the Yuri's Day. |
Временами и дурак умно говорит. | Fools may sometimes speak to the purpose. |
Вре́мя -- лу́чший до́ктор | Time heals all wounds. Literal: Time is the best healer. |
Врёт -- и глазом не мигнёт. | He lies easily and without blushing. |
Ври, да помни. | A liar should be a man of good memory. Literal: Lie but remember. |
Всё в руках божьих. | God's hand is above all. Literal: Everything is in God's hands. |
Всё гениальное просто. | Genius is simplicity. Literal: Everything genius is simple. |
Все дороги ведут в Рим. | All roads lead to Rome. |
Все меняется, ничто не исчезает. | Nothing disappears, only changes. Literal: Everything changes, nothing disappears. |
Все на солнце ровно глядим -- неровно пьём и едим. | We all see the same sun, but we don't all have the same fun. |
Всё хорошо в меру. | Everything in reason. Literal: Everything is good in measure. |
Всё хорошо́, что хорошо́ конча́ется. | All's well that ends well. Literal: All is well that ends well. |
Всего́ с собо́й не унесёшь. | The one who dies with most toys, still dies. Literal: You can't take everything with you. |
Всему своё место. | There is a place for everything, and everything in its place. |
Всяк глядит, да не всяк видит. | Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it. |
Всяк кули́к своё боло́то хва́лит. | Every cook praises his own broth. Literal: Every sandpiper praises his own swamp. |
Всяк сверчо́к знай свой шесто́к. | Every man to his business.; What Jupiter is allowed to do, cattle are not. Literal: Every cricket must know its hearth |
Вся́кому о́вощу своё вре́мя. | Everything is good in its season. Literal: Every vegetable has its time. |
Вы́ше головы́ не пры́гнешь. | You can not jump above your head. |
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