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This page continues the alphabetical list of Russian proverbs and sayings along with their English versions and literal translations.
Russian proverbs: р-с 11 of 15 | < Prev Next >
- Р - | |
Рабо́та не волк, в лес не убежи́т.
| The work is not like wolf - it would not run in the forest. |
Раз на раз не прихо́дится. | You can't expect perfection every time. Literal: Each time it is different. |
Раз солга́л -- наве́к лгуно́м стал. | Once a liar, always a liar. Literal: Once you've told a lie, you become a liar forever. |
Ранняя пташка червяка ловит. | It is the early bird that catches the worm. |
Рождество раз в год бывает. | Christmas comes but once a year. |
Рука́ ру́ку мо́ет, вор во́ра кр́оет. | You roll my log and I'll roll yours. Literal: Hands wash each other, a thief covers another thief. |
Рука́ ру́ку мо́ет. | You roll my log and I'll roll yours. Literal: Hands wash each other. |
Ры́ба гниёт с головы́. | Fish begins to stink at the head. Literal: Fish rots from the head. |
Ры́ба и́щет, где глу́бже, а челове́к где лу́чше. | He makes his home where the living is best. Literal: Fish seek for a deep place, men seek for a better place. |
Рыба́к рыбака́ ви́дит издалека́. | Birds of a feather flock together. Literal: A fisherman can tell another fisherman from afar. |
- С - | |
С волка́ми жить, по-во́лчьи выть.
| Live with wolves, and you learn to howl. Literal: To live with wolves, you have to howl like a wolf. |
С высокого места больно падать. | The higher you are, the farther you fall. |
С глаз доло́й -- из се́рдца вон. | Out of sight, out of mind. Literal: Out of sight, out of heart. |
С дураком шутить опасно. | Never bray at an ass. |
С кем поведёшься, от того́ и наберёшься. | Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas; You are what your friends are. Literal: From anyone you are in contact you will ever accept something. |
С милым рай и в шалаше. | Love in a cottage. |
С ми́ру по ни́тке -- го́лому руба́ха. | Little and often fill the purse. Literal: Thread of the world -- shirt for naked. |
С парши́вой овцы́ -- хоть ше́рсти клок. | It is good to gain even a flock of wool from the black sheep. Literal: From a scabby sheep, it's better to get at least a flock of wool than nothing at all. |
С си́льным не бори́сь, с бога́тым не суди́сь. | Literal: Don't fight with the strong one, don't sue the rich one. |
Сам навари́л, сам и ку́шай. | You've made your bed, now lie in it. Literal: You cooked it, so eat it yourself. |
Сам погиба́й, а това́рища выруча́й. | Literal: You might die yourself, but you must save the friend. |
Свинья́ везде́ грязь найдёт. | Literal: A pig will find mud anywhere. |
Сводить концы с концами. | To make ends meet. |
Свое́й те́ни не обго́нишь. | Literal: You can't move faster than your shadow. |
Свой дом -- лучшее место. | There is no place like home. |
Своя́ но́ша не тя́нет. | A burden of one's own choice is not felt Literal: One's own burden doesn't encumber. |
Своя́ руба́шка бли́же к те́лу. | Charity begins at home. Literal: One's own shirt is closer to the body. |
Свя́то ме́сто пу́сто не быва́ет. | Nature abhors a vacuum; The throne is never vacant Literal: Holy place is never empty. |
Сде́лал де́ло, гуля́й сме́ло. | Business before pleasure; Work hard, play hard. Literal: When you have done the job, you may take a walk boldly. |
Седина́ в бо́роду, бес в ребро́. | Young saints make old sinners. Literal: Grey hair into beard, devil into rib. |
Се́меро одного́ не ждут. | For one that is missing there's no spoiling a wedding. Literal: Seven people don't wait for one. |
Семь бед -- оди́н отве́т. | As well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb. Literal: Seven troubles -- one response. |
Семь вёрст до небе́с, да всё ле́сом. | To talk a lot of hot air. Literal: Seven versts to heaven, and all the way through the forest. |
Семь раз отме́рь, оди́н отре́жь. | Score twice before you cut once. Literal: Measure seven times, cut once. |
Семь топоро́в вме́сте лежа́т, а две пря́лки врозь. | Literal: Seven axes lie together, and two distaves -- apart |
Се́рдце с пе́рцем, душа́ с чесноко́м. | Literal: Heart with pepper, soul with garlic. |
Сила есть, ума не надо. | Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. |
Сила солому ломит. | Might goes before right. |
Силой милому не быть. | You cannot force people to like you. |
Ско́лько верёвочке не ви́ться -- коне́ц бу́дет. | The pitcher goes often to the well, but is broken at last; It will catch up with you in the end. Literal: However much would the string wind, the end will be reached anyway |
Ско́лько во́лка ни корми́, он всё в лес смо́трит. | He that will steal a pin will steal a pound. Literal: The wolf being fed enough nevertheless looks in the forest. |
Сколько стран, столько и обычаев. | So many countries, so many customs. |
Ско́ро ска́зка ска́зывается, да не ско́ро де́ло де́лается. | Easier said than done. Literal: The tale is told quickly, but the job is done slowly. |
Скрипучее дерево два века стоит. | A creaking door hangs long on its hinges. Literal: Creaky wood stands during two centuries. |
Ску́пой пла́тит два́жды. | If you buy cheaply, you pay dearly., Cheap and nasty, expensive and tasty. Literal: The stingy one pays twice. |
Скучен день до вечера, коли делать нечего. | Day-by-day a day goes by. Literal: The day is boring until the evening if there's nothing to do. |
Сла́вны бу́бны за гора́ми. | Literal: The tambourines are good when they are behind mountains. |
Сло́во -- не воробе́й: вы́летит -- не пойма́ешь. | A word spoken is past recalling. Literal: A word is not a sparrow, once it flies out, you won't catch it. |
Сло́во -- се́ребро, молча́ние -- зо́лото. | Talk is cheap, silence is golden. Literal: Word is silver, silence is gold. |
Слу́хом земля́ по́лнится. | News spreads like wildfire; News flies fast. Literal: The rumour fills the Earth. |
Слы́шал звон, да не зна́ешь, где он. | You told it through your hat. Literal: you heard the ring, but don't know where. |
Сме́лость города́ берёт. | Courage overcomes all obstacles. Literal: Bravery takes cities. |
Смерть не спросит, придёт да скосит. | When the death comes no tricks can help you. |
Сначала думай, потом говори. | First think, then speak. |
Сня́вши го́лову, по волоса́м не пла́чут. | What's done is done. Literal: After taking off the head one doesn't(shouldn't) bewail the hair. |
Собака лает, но не кусает. | Barking dogs seldom bite. |
Собака на сене лежит, сама не ест и другим не дает. | A dog in the manger. Literal: A dog on the hay: will neither eat it himself, nor let others eat it. |
Соловья́ ба́снями не ко́рмят. | Fine words butter no parsnips. Literal: The nightingale can't be fed by fables. |
Соро́ка на хвосте́ принесла́. | A little bird told me. Literal: A magpie brought it on its tail. |
Спрашивай не старого, а бывалого. | Ask not the old, but the old-timer. |
Ста́рость - не ра́дость. | An old ape has an old eye; Old age, boy, is no joy. Literal: Old age is no fun. |
Ста́рый друг - лу́чше но́вых двух. | Everything is good when new, but friends when old. Literal: An old friend is better than two new ones. |
Ста́рый конь борозды́ не испо́ртит. | An old ox makes a straight furrow. Literal: The old horse won't spoil the furrow. |
Страшно дело до зачина. | You never know what you can do till you try. |
Стре́ляного воробья́ на мяки́не не проведёшь. | Old birds are not caught with chaff. Literal: One can't cheat sparrow, who had been shot at once, with chaff. |
Счёт дружбе не помеха. | Even reckoning makes long friends. |
Сы́тый голо́дного не разуме́ет: одному́ суп жи́дкий, друго́му -- же́мчуг ме́лкий. | He thinks that all warm is so. Literal: The sat one doesn't understand the hungry one: for one the soup is too thin, for the other -- the pearls are too small. |
Сы́тый голо́дному не това́рищ. | It's no use preaching to a hungry man. Literal: The sat one is not a friend of the hungry one. |
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Russian: Сбербанк России
English: Sberbank of Russia