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This page continues the alphabetical list of Russian proverbs and sayings along with their English versions and literal translations.
Russian proverbs: и-к 6 of 15 | < Prev Next >
- И - | |
И в самых благородных семьях бывают скандалы.
| Accidents will happen in the best regulated families. Literal: There are scandals even in the most noble families. |
И волки сыты, и овцы целы. | Have one's cake and eat it too. Literal: The wolves are sated, and the sheep are intact. |
И на стару́ху бывает прору́ха. | Everyone makes mistakes.; To err is human. Literal: Even an old lady makes mistakes. |
И у стен бывают уши. | The walls have ears. Literal: Even walls may have ears. |
И хо́чется и ко́лется. | The cat would eat fish and would not wet her feet. Literal: It is wanted and repellent. |
Из двух зол выбира́ют ме́ньшее. | Lesser of two evils Literal: They choose the lesser of two evils. |
Из огня́ да в полымя́. | Out of the frying pan and into the fire. Literal: From fire to flame. |
Из пе́сни сло́ва не вы́кинешь. | Literal: You cannot throw a word out of a song. |
И́ли грудь в креста́х, и́ли голова́ в куста́х. | Neck or nothing. Literal: Either chest in crosses (orders), or a head in bushes. |
Имя говорит само за себя. | The name provides the essence. |
Иной раз и дурак молвит слово в лад. | A fool must now and then be right by chance. |
Искру́ туши́ до пожа́ра, беду́ отводи́ до уда́ра. | Prevention is better than cure. Literal: Extinguish the spark before the fire, deflect the trouble before the strike. |
Исподво́ль и ольху́ согнёшь. | Little strokes fell great oaks.; Time conquers all. Literal: You can bend an alder tree, if you do it gradually. |
Ищи́ ве́тра в по́ле. | The wind cannot be caught in a net. Literal: Look for wind in a field. |
- К - | |
Казённого козла́ хоть за хвост подержа́ть -- мо́жно шу́бу сшить.
| Literal: Just even having once held a state goat's tail one can make a fur coat. |
Как ау́кнется -- так и откли́кнется. | Do unto others what you would have them do unto you. Literal: How echo is prompted, so it will bounce back. |
Как два́жды два -- четы́ре. | As sure as eggs are eggs. Literal: As twice times two is four. |
Как две ка́пли воды́. | As alike as two peas in a pod. Literal: Like two drops of water. |
Как на́жито, так и про́жито. | Easy come, easy go. Literal: Spent as earned. |
Как ты к людям, так и они к тебе. | As the call, so the echo. Literal: As you treat people so they will treat you. |
Како́в поп, тако́в и прихо́д. | Like father, like son. Literal: Like priest, like church. |
Ка́пля в мо́ре. | A drop in the ocean. Literal: A drop in the sea. |
Ка́пля ка́мень то́чит. | Little strokes fell great oaks. Literal: A water drop cuts through stone. |
Ка́шу ма́слом не испо́ртишь. | Plenty is no plague. Literal: One can't spoil porridge with butter. |
Клин кли́ном вышиба́ют. | Fight fire with fire; One nail drives out another. Literal: They use a wedge to knock out a wedge. |
Когда́ де́ньги говоря́т, тогда́ пра́вда молчи́т. | When money talks, truth shuts up. |
Когда любовь шепчет, разум замолкает. | Literal: When love whispers, the reason shuts up. |
Когда рак на горе свистнет. | When pigs begin to fly. Literal: When the crawfish whistles on the mountain. |
Кого жизнь ласкает, тот и горя не знает. | He dances well to whom fortune pipes. |
Когото́к увя́з -- всей пти́чке пропа́сть. | Literal: If the claw is stuck, the whole bird is lost. |
Козла́ бо́йся спе́реди, коня́ -- сза́ди, а лихо́го челове́ка -- со всех сторо́н. | Beware of the cat that licks from the front but claws from behind. Literal: Beware of the goat from its front side, of the horse - from its back side, and the evil man - from any side. |
Кому́ война́, а кому́ мать родна́. | Literal: For some people war is war, for others -- dear mother. |
Кому́ на ме́сте не сиди́тся, тот добра́ не наживёт. | A rolling stone gathers no moss. Literal: Those who are discontent to remain in one place will not earn much. |
Коне́й на перепра́ве не меня́ют. | Don't change horses in midstream. Literal: One doesn't change horses at river crossing. |
Конец -- делу венец. | The end crowns the work. |
Конь о четырёх нога́х, да и тот спотыка́ется. | It is a good horse that never stumbles. Literal: A horse has four legs, but still stumbles. |
Копе́йка рубль бережёт. | Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves. Literal: A kopeck saves a ruble. |
Краси́во жить не запрети́шь. | Literal: You can't forbid living beautifully. |
Краткость -- сестра таланта. | Brevity is the soul of wit. |
Кто в мо́ре не быва́л, тот Бо́гу не ма́ливался. | Calm in the midst of storms. Literal: Who wasn't out in the sea, didn't pray to God. |
Кто в чин вошёл лисо́й, тот в чи́не бу́дет во́лком. | Literal: He who gains the rank like a fox, will be a wolf in the rank. |
Кто ленив сохой, тому весь год плохой. | They must hunger in winter that will not work in summer. |
Кто людей веселит, за того весь свет стоит. | People never can resist those who make them laugh. |
Кто над чайником стоит, у того он не кипит. | A watched pot never boils. |
Кто не работает, тот не ест. | He who does not work, neither should he eat. Literal: Who doesn't work, that one doesn't eat. |
Кто не умеет молча́ть, тот не умеет и говорить. | Не cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue. |
Кто пьёт до дна, тот живёт без ума́. | Vodka and good sense never get along. Literal: Who drinks till bottom, lives without mind. |
Кто ра́но встаёт, тому́ Бог подаёт. | It is the early bird that catches the worm. Literal: God gives to those who wake up early. |
Кто себя очень любит, того другие не любят. | Self-praise is no praise. |
Кто смел, тот два съeл. | He who is tricky will get double the prize. Literal: Who is brave eats two. |
Кто ста́рое помя́нет, тому́ глаз вон. | Let sleeping dogs lie. Literal: Who reminds old events, insults, will be deprived of his eye. |
Куда́ конь с копы́том, туда и рак с клешнёй. | There is no fool like an old fool. Literal: Where goes a horse with its hoof, there goes a crayfish with its pincer. |
Куда́ ни кинь, всю́ду клин. | Damned if you do, damned if you don't Literal: Whichever way you turn, the wedge is everywhere. |
Куй желе́зо, пока горячо́. | Strike while the iron is hot; Make hay while the sun shines. Literal: Strike while the iron is hot. |
Ку́рам на́ смех. | It is enough to make a cat laugh. Literal: It makes chicken laugh. |
Ку́рица не пти́ца, ба́ба не челове́к. | Literal: As chicken is not a bird, woman is not a human being. |
Ку́рочка по зёрнышку клюёт, да сыта́ быва́ет. | A hen picks a seed at a time, but gets filled up. |
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