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This page continues the alphabetical list of Russian proverbs and sayings along with their English versions and literal translations.
Russian proverbs: е-з 5 of 15 | < Prev Next >
- E - | |
Е́дешь на́ день, хле́ба бери́ на неде́лю.
| Always be prepared. Literal: If you go for a day trip, take a week’s supply of bread. |
Ем, да свой, а ты пода́льше посто́й. | Literal: I eat it, and it's mine, and you stay away from me. |
Ему́ па́лец в рот не клади́ -- всю ру́ку отку́сит. | Give one an inch, and he will take a mile. |
Ерёма, Ерёма, сиде́л бы ты до́ма, точи́л бы свои́ веретёна. | Literal: Yeryoma (Jeremy), Yeryoma, you would better sit at home and cut your spindles. |
Е́сли бы да кабы́ да во рту росли́ грибы́. | If ifs and buts were candy and nuts; If ifs and ands were pots and pans, then we would need no tinkers. Literal: If and when mushrooms grew in the mouth. |
Если бы да кабы. | If ifs and ands were pots and pans. |
Если бы молодость знала, если бы старость могла. | Youth is wasted on the young. Literal: If only the youth would know, if the old age would be able to. |
Есть квас, да не про вас. | Literal: I've got kvass, but not for you. |
Есть-то есть, да не про ва́шу честь. | Literal: I have it indeed, but it's not for you. |
Ешь вволю, пей в меру. | Eat with pleasure, drink with measure. |
Ешь пирог с грибами, да язык держи за зубами. | The more you know, the less you should talk. Literal: Eat a pie with mushrooms and keep your tongue behind your teeth. |
Ещё рыба не поймана, а уже принялись уху варить. | Never fry a fish till it's caught. Literal: The fish is not caught yet, but you've already started to cook ukha (fish soup). |
- Ж - | |
Живы бу́дем -- не помрём.
| Literal: If we will be alive we will not die. |
Жизнь коротка́, а дел мно́го. | Life is short. Literal: Life is short, but there's a lot to be done. |
Жизнь прожи́ть -- не по́ле перейти́. | Life is not a bed of roses. Literal: Living through one's life is not like crossing a field. |
- З - | |
За двумя зайцами погонишься, ни одного не поймаешь
| Grasp all, lose all. |
За́ морем телу́шка-полу́шка, да рубль перево́з. | Literal: Overseas, a cow costs a quarter of kopeck, but it will cost a ruble to ship it here. |
За одного́ би́того двух неби́тых дают. | Experience is worth it. Literal: A beaten one is worth two unbeaten ones. |
За спрос не бьют в нос. | It doesn't hurt to ask. Literal: They don't hit you in the nose for asking. |
За чем пойдёшь, то и найдёшь. | As you sow, so shall you reap. Literal: What you'll go looking for, that you will find. |
За что купи́л, за то и продаю́. | I give you this for what it's worth. Literal: I sell it for what I bought it. |
За́втрак съешь сам, обе́д раздели́ с дру́гом, у́жин отда́й врагу́. | Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper. Literal: Eat breakfast yourself, share dinner with your friend, give the supper to your enemy. |
За́дним умо́м всяк кре́пок. | Hindsight is 20/20. Literal: Everyone is strong in the hindsight. |
Закон суров, но это закон. | The law is hard, but it is law. |
Зако́н что ды́шло, куда́ повернёшь -- туда́ и вы́шло. | Every law has a loophole. Literal: Law is like a shaft of a cart, it points wherever you turn it to. |
Зала́дила соро́ка Я́кова одно́ про вся́кого. | You told it through the hat. Literal: Yakov's magpie started chattering the same thing about anyone. |
Занято́й, как пчела́. | As busy as a bee. Literal: As busy as a bee. |
Запа́с не ноша, рук не оття́нет. | Store is no sore. |
Зарека́лася лиса́ кур не ворова́ть. | The leopard cannot change his spots. Literal: Vixen resolved not to steal chicken. |
Заста́вь дурака́ Бо́гу моли́ться -- он лоб расшибёт. | Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse. Literal: Make a fool pray to God, he will hurt his forehead. |
Здоро́вье ухо́дит пуда́ми, а прихо́дит золотни́ками. | Diseases come on horseback, but steal away on foot. Literal: Health leaves you in pounds, but comes in zolotniks. |
Злые языки страшнее пистолета. | Words can kill before arms. |
Зна́ет ко́шка, чьё мя́со съе́ла. | Literal: The cat knows whose meat it has eaten. |
Знай край, да не падай. | You shouldn't go over the edge. |
Знай толк, не бери в долг. | Better go to bed supperless than rise in debt. Literal: Know sense, do not make debts. |
Знай, кошка, своё лукошко. | Know your place / limits. |
Знал бы где упа́сть -- соло́мки б подстели́л. | Had I known then what I know now. Literal: Would I know where I will fall down, I'd lay some straw. |
Знал бы, где упасть, там соломки постлал бы. | If you could know where you fall, you would spread some straw. |
Знать всё -- значит не знать ничего. | To know everything is to know nothing. |
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