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Learn how to say the days of the week in Russian. Please note that days of the week are not capitalized in Russian, unless they occur in the beginning of a sentence. Also note that a Russian week starts with Monday and ends with Sunday.
Audio | Russian word | English translation | Pronunciation |
понедельник | Monday | puh-nee-DYEHL'-neek | |
вторник | Tuesday | FTOHR-neek | |
среда | Wednesday | sree-DAH | |
четверг | Thursday | cheet-VYEHRK | |
пятница | Friday | PYAHT-nee-tsuh | |
суббота | Saturday | soo-BOH-tuh | |
воскресенье | Sunday | vuhs-kree-SYEHN'-yeh |
To ask "What day is it today?" use the phrase:
Какой сегодня день? [kah-KOI see-VOHD-nyah dyehn']
Here are a few more words and phrases that will come in handy when talking about your schedule, calendar activities, yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Russian word | English translation | Pronunciation |
уик-энд | weekend | oo-ee-KEHND |
выходной день | day off | vi-khad-NOY dyehn' |
рабочий день | working day | rah-BOH-cheey dyehn' |
завтра | tomorrow | ZAHF-trah |
сегодня | today | see-VOHD-nyuh |
вчера | yesterday | fcheeh-RAH |
на этой неделе | this week | nah EH-tuy nee-DYEHL-yee |
на следующей неделе | next week | nah SLYED-oo-yoo-shchee nee-DYEHL-yeh |
на прошлой неделе | last week | nah PROSH-luy nee-DYEHL-yee |
день | day | dyehn' |
неделя | week | nee-DYEH-lyah |
месяц | month | MHYEH-seets |
год | year | goht |
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