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A humorous take on a Russian proverb goes like "Don't postpone it for tomorrow, if you can postpone it for the day after tomorrow." To talk about past, present and future you need to know how to say the words "yesterday" and "tomorrow" in Russian. This short podcast will teach you exactly that and other useful names for days. This podcast is prepared by Ruspod, a podcast hub specializing in teaching Russian through audio podcasts, text lessons, and exercises. Visit Ruspod for more free and premium podcasts. |
Podcast |
The full podcast is 5 minutes 08 seconds long. Enjoy!
Russian word | English translation | Pronunciation | |
сего́дня | today | seh-VOH-dnyah | |
вчера́ | yesterday | fchee-RAH | |
за́втра | tomorrow | ZAHF-trah | |
позавчера́ | the day before yesterday | pah-zah-fchee-RAH | |
послеза́втра | the day after tomorrow | POHS-lee-ZAHF-trah | |
послепослеза́втра | three days in the future (colloquial only) | POHS-lee-POHS-lee-ZAHF-trah | |
год | year | goht | |
день | day | d'ehn' | |
ме́сяц | month | M'EH-seets | |
про́шлый | past, previous | PROHSH-lyi | |
позапро́шлый | the one before the previous one | pah-zah-PROHSH-lyi |
The Russian words vchera (yesterday) and zavtra (tomorrow) are useful to point at a certain point in the past or future. Once you've practiced them well enough, the next step is to learn Russian months and Days of the week. Knowing how to say the Seasons in Russian is also helpful when talking about schedules and calendar activities.
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