Top 500 Russian Nouns

This page continues the frequency list for 500 widely used Russian nouns and their English translations. The gender of each noun is marked as either masculine, neuter or feminine.

Top Russian nouns: 401-500                       7 of 7 | < Prev   Next >

Rank  Russian noun   English translation   Gender               
401. впечатление impression, effectneuter
402. пауза pausefeminine
403. глубина depth, intensityfeminine
404. доллар dollarmasculine
405. сотня a hundredfeminine
406. студент studentmasculine
407. очко point, pipneuter
408. нож knifemasculine
409. предмет object, itemmasculine
410. майор majormasculine
411. деятельность activity, work, occupatioinfeminine
412. инженер engineermasculine
413. программа programfeminine
414. костюм costume, suitmasculine
415. театр theater, play-house, the playsmasculine
416. хвост tail, end, queuemasculine
417. танк tank, containermasculine
418. журнал magazine, journal, periodical, diarymasculine
419. конь horse, knight (in chess)masculine
420. стихи poetry, versesplural, all genders
421. степень degree, extent, power (in mathematics)feminine
422. фигура figure, feminine
423. ключ keymasculine
424. чёрт devilmasculine
425. вагон carriage, coachmasculine
426. культура culturefeminine
427. боец fighter, privatemasculine
428. фильм film, movie, cinemamasculine
429. пыль dust, sprayfeminine
430. труба chimney, pipe, trumpet, hornfeminine
431. масса mass, a large amount, lotsfeminine
432. обстоятельство circumstance, adverb (in grammar)neuter
433. штаб staff, headquatersmasculine
434. слух hearing, rumour, hearsaymasculine
435. линия linefeminine
436. лодка boatfeminine
437. даль distance (in poetry), long way offfeminine
438. председатель chairman, presidentmasculine
439. период period, agemasculine
440. организм organismmasculine
441. отдел department, sectionmasculine
442. весна spring (season), springtimefeminine
443. обед lunch, dinnermasculine
444. значение meaning, significance, senseneuter
445. дно bottom, groundneuter
446. фотография photography, photo, picturefeminine
447. успех successmasculine
448. сцена stage, scenefeminine
449. билет ticket, fairmasculine
450. состав composition, structure; staff; trainmasculine
451. честь honour, regard, respectfeminine
452. смех laughtermasculine
453. СССР USSR, Soviet Unionmasculine, abbreviation of 'union'
454. способ method, way, modemasculine
455. зрение sight, eyesight, visionneuter
456. запад west, the Westmasculine
457. Германия Germanyfeminine
458. население populationneuter
459. беда misfortune, troublefeminine
460. еда food, mealfeminine
461. еврей Jew, Hebrewmasculine
462. министр ministermasculine
463. фирма firm, companyfeminine
464. организация organizationfeminine
465. принцип principlemasculine
466. направление directon, trendneuter
467. мастер master, expertmasculine
468. ошибка mistake, errorfeminine
469. высота heightfeminine
470. существо being, creature; essenceneuter
471. мальчишка urchin, boymasculine
472. Господь God, the Lordmasculine
473. США USAplural, all genders, abbreviation of 'states'
474. камера cell, chamber, camerafeminine
475. победа victoryfeminine
476. человечество humanity, mankindneuter
477. фраза phrase, sentencefeminine
478. гот Gothmasculine
479. замок lock (if stress falls on 'a'); castle (if stress falls on 'o')masculine
480. рынок market, marketplacemasculine
481. клуб clubmasculine
482. кость bonefeminine
483. личность personality, personfeminine
484. столица capitalfeminine
485. здоровье healthneuter
486. попытка attempt, endeavourfeminine
487. читатель readermasculine
488. шутка joke, trick, prankfeminine
489. сотрудник colloborator, employee, officialmasculine
490. родина homeland, native land, homefeminine
491. царь tsar, czar, king, rulermasculine
492. страница pagefeminine
493. скорость speedfeminine
494. зверь wild animal, beastmasculine
495. помочь singular form of "leading strings" (stress falls on first 'o')feminine
496. размер size, dimensions, rate, degreemasculine
497. житель inhabitant, resident, dwellermasculine
498. секретарь secretarymasculine
499. Америка America; United Statesfeminine
500. сигарета cigarettefeminine

                                                                7 of 7 | < Prev   Next >

Note: The frequency list is adapted from the frequency dictionary for Russian by Serge Sharoff.

Index of common Russian nouns

  1. Top 50 Russian nouns
  2. Common Russian nouns: 51-100
  3. Common Russian nouns: 101-150
  4. Common Russian nouns: 151-200
  5. Common Russian nouns: 201-300
  6. Common Russian nouns: 301-400
  7. Common Russian nouns: 401-500

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