Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "with" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
with, since, from
[suh (never stressed)]
Part of speech: preposition (stress shifts to the next word, as in: "со мно́й")
Rank: #87 (see frequency list)
- Мы дру́жим с Анной со шко́льных лет.
- I and Anna have been friends since our school years.
- literal We have been friends with Anna since our school years.
- Ничего́ не бо́йся, со мной ты в безопа́сности.
- Do not be afraid, you are safe with me.
- Ты бы хоте́ла пойти́ со мной в о́перу?
- Would you like to go with me to the opera?
- По́сле ава́рии у Серге́я пробле́мы со спино́й.
- After the accident Sergei has problems with his back.
- Парашюти́ст пры́гнул со скалы с парашю́том.
- A basejumper jumped off a cliff with a parachute.
- Когда́ нача́лся дождь мы со всех ног побежа́ли к маши́не.
- When it started to rain, we ran to the car with all might.
- Катя вегетариа́нка и всегда́ гото́вит блю́да со све́жими овоща́ми.
- Kate is a vegetarian and always prepares dishes with fresh vegetables.
- На за́втрак я всегда́ пью апельси́новый сок со льдом.
- For breakfast, I always drink orange juice with ice.
- Со сле́дующего вто́рника Ви́ктор бу́дет в о́тпуске две неде́ли.
- Starting next Tuesday, Victor will be on vacation for two weeks.
- Со дня на день к нам приезжа́ют в го́сти друзья́.
- Our friends come to visit us from day to day.
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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