Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "near" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
near, at, in the time of, in the presence of, with, attached to, by, about
Part of speech: preposition
Rank: #90 (see frequency list)
There was a big garden by the house.
Photo by Mark Coleman (Downloadable photos) CC-BY-SA-2.0
- Когдá былá би́тва при Бородинé?
- When was the battle of Borodino?
- При дóме был большóй сад.
- There was a big garden by the house.
- При ресторáне рабóтает кулинари́я.
- There's a food shop by the restaurant.
- literal By the restaurant works a gastronomy shop.
- Рáзве мóжно таки́е вéщи говори́ть при ребëнке!
- How can you say such things in child's presence!
- literal Is it really allowed to say such things by a child!
- При Стáлине бы́ло пострóено москóвское метрó.
- The Moscow metro was built in Stalin's time.
- При вы́ходе из пóезда не забывáйте свои́ вéщи.
- When going out of the train, don't leave your personal belongings.
- literal When going out of the train, don't forget your things.
- При дневнóм свéте бу́дут видны́ все дефéкты макия́жа.
- All the make-up defects will be seen in daylight.
- У негó нé было при себé никаки́х докумéнтов.
- He didn't have any documents with him.
- При такóй головé всегдá хорóшую рабóту найти́ мóжно.
- Being so intelligent, one can always find a good job.
- literal With such a head, it's always possible to find a good job.
- При всëм моëм желáнии, я не смогу́ Вам помóчь.
- Much as I would like to help you, I can't manage it. (polite)
- literal With all my desire, I won't be able to help you. (polite)
- Попроси́ у Кóли: он всегдá при деньгáх.
- Ask Kolia, he always has money.
- literal Ask Kolia, he's always with money.
- Он был тогдá ужé при́ смерти.
- He was already dying then.
- При чëм тут егó образовáние?
- What does his education have to do with it?
- Храни́ть таки́е проду́кты ну́жно тóлько при ни́зкой температу́ре.
- This type of food has to be stored only at low temperature.
- literal It's necessary to store these products only at low temperature.
- Онá совсéм не уставáла, при том, что рабóтала днями и ночáми.
- She wasn't tired at all, although she worked day and night.
- literal She wasn't tired at all, although she worked days and nights.
- при посторóнних = before strangers
- иметь при себé = to have smth with oneself
- при такóм здорóвье = with such health
- при всëм своëм уважéнии = for all his/her respect
- при всей своéй любви́ = for all his/her love
- при всëм своëм желáнии = much as smb would like to
- при всëм том = moreover, for all that
- при парáде = well-dressed
literal by a parade - при свечáх = candle light
literal with candles - при́ смерти = dying
literal near smb's death - при содéйствии = with smb's assistance
- при учácтии = with smb's participation
- при царé Горóхе = When Queen Anne was alive
literal in the tzar Goroh's (Peas) time - При чëм тут? = What does is have to do?
- при всём этом = in spite of all that, for all that
- быть ни при чём = have nothing to do with
- быть при = to have
- у = at, near
- óколо = at, near
- во врéмя = in the time of
- При счácтье браня́тся, при бедé ми́рятся.
- When people are happy, they argue, but when there is misfortune, they are reconciled.
- Хвали́ жизнь при́ смерти, а день вéчером.
- Praise the life when you're dying and the day, at night.
- Без умéнья и си́ла не при чëм.
- Even strength doesn't work without ability.
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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