Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "our" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
our, ours, our, ours
Part of speech: pronoun
Rank: #65 (see frequency list)
Our Granny is kind and сheerful.
Photo by bcmom, licensed under CC-BY-2.0
- Наш дом óчень высóкий.
- Our house is very high.
- Нáша бáбушка дóбрая и весëлая.
- Our Granny is kind and сheerful.
- Нáше врéмя бы́ло тру́дным.
- Our time was difficult.
- literal Our times were difficult.
- Кни́га Гóголя нáша.
- The book by Gogol is ours.
- Ты ви́дел нáшего учи́теля по матемáтике?
- Have you seen our maths teacher?
- Я ужé поговори́л с нáшим начáльником.
- I have already spoken to our boss.
- Одногó из нáших друзéй звáли Тиму́р.
- The name of one of our friends was Timur.
- literal One of our friends was called Timur.
- Давáй вы́пьем на нáшу семью́!
- Let's drink to our family!
- Мы ужé расскáзывали тебé о нáшей кóшке?
- Have we already told you about cat?
- Вот вáши конфéты, а вот – нáши.
- Here are your sweets, and here are ours.
- Кудá же мы поéдем с нáшими проблéмами?
- Where can we go if we have so many problems?
- literal Where will we go with our problems?
- На вся́кий слу́чай я позвони́л нáшим сосéдям.
- I called our neighbours just in case.
- В Eврóпе мнóго нáших.
- There are a lot of Russians in Europe.
- literal There are a lot of ours in Europe.
- Он – наш пáрень, никогдá не подведëт!
- He is a nice guy, he will never let us down!
- literal He is our guy, he will never let us down!
- Урá! Гол! Нáши вы́играли!
- Cool! Goal! Our team won!
- literal Hurrah! Goal! Ours won!

- Нáша взялá = We have won!
- Знай нáших! = Now you see what we are made of!
literal Know the ours! - Служи́ть и нáшим и вáшим = Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds
literal Serve both ours and yours
- по-нáшему = in our way
- мой = my, mine
- твой = your, yours (singular)
- ваш = your, yours (plural)
- Наш пострéл вездé поспéл.
- The scamp has a finger in every pie
- literal Our little rogue has time for everything.
- Щи да кáша - пи́ща нáша.
- Our food is tschi and сooked cereal.
- Было вáшим, стáло нáшим.
- You've lost it!
- literal It was yours, it became ours.
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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