Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "without" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
Part of speech: preposition
Rank: #93 (see frequency list)
Why are you not wearing a coat?
Photo by Ed Yourdon CC-BY-SA-2.0
- Почему́ ты хóдишь без пальтó?
- Why are you not wearing a coat?
- literal Why do you walk without a coat?
- Мáльчик вырос без роди́телей.
- The boy grew up without parents.
- Он был человéком без при́нципов.
- He was a man without principles.
- Бéз толку егó cпрáшивать об э́том.
- It makes no sense to ask him about that.
- literal Without sense ask him about that.
- Я и без тебя́ прекрácно знáю, что найти́ рабóту тру́дно.
- I know it perfectly well without you, that it's difficult to find a job.
- Поспеши́: на часáх ужé без чéтверти три.
- Hurry up, it's a quarter to three already.
- literal Hurry up: on the clock it's three without a quarter already.
- Мы женáты без трëх мécяцев пять лет.
- We've been married for five years less three months.
- Все без исключéния вы́полнили задáние прáвильно.
- Everybody without exception did the exercise correctly.
- Без вас мы не смóжем начáть проéкт.
- We won't be able to start the project without you. (plural "you")
- Ветерáны смóгут купи́ть проду́кты без óчереди.
- The veterans will be able to buy food without waiting.
- literal The veterans will be able to buy products without queue.
- Ты устáл? Не без тогó.
- Are you tired? Yes, a little bit.
- literal Are you tired? Yes, not without it.
- У меня́ и без тогó мнóго рабóты, а тут ещë э́ти перевóды!
- I really have enough work already, and now I have to do the translations!
- literal I have enough work without it, and now these translations!
- Когдá они́ жени́лись, онá былá прócто без умá от cчáстья.
- When they married, she was simply crazy with happiness.
- literal When thay married, she was simply without mind from happiness.
- Он без концá повторя́ет однó и то же!
- He is repeating the same things on and on!
- Мы обойдëмся без вас!
- We'll do without you!

- без умá = nuts, crazy, enamoured
literal without mind - без сил = flat-out
literal without forces - без концá = on and on
literal without end - без грошá = penniless
- без трудá = readily
literal without effort - без зáпаха = inodorous
literal without scent - без потéрь = lossless
literal without losses - без поня́тия = clueless
literal without idea - без рукавóв = sleeveless
literal without sleeves - без движéния = motionless
literal without motion - без сознáния = unconscious
literal without consciousness - без следá = without a trace
- пропácть бéз вести = to be missing
literal disappear without news - без глу́постей! = no nonsense now!
literal without stupidities! - любóвь без взаи́мности = unrequited love, unanswered love
literal love without reciprocity - ходи́ть без дéла = to idle, to trapse
literal to be going without work - быть без средств = to have no funds, to be broke
- болтáть без у́молку = to yammer
literal to chat without silence - без тогó = already
literal without that - не без тогó = a little bit
literal not without that
- безобрáзный = ugly, hideous
- бездéльник = idler
- безалкогóльный = alcohol-free
- бездáрный = untalented, ungifted
- Без трудá не вы́тащишь и ры́бку из прудá.
- No pain, no gain.
- literal You cannot pull a fish out of the pond without work.
- Мир не без дóбрых людéй.
- There're many kind people in this world.
- literal The world is not without kind people.
- Нет ды́ма без огня́.
- Nothing is stolen without hands.
- literal There is no smoke without fire.
- Нет ху́да без добрá.
- Every cloud has a silver lining.
- literal There's no bad without good.
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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