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The charms and beauty of Russian women are known all over the world. However, the natural desire to take care of themselves and look their best is not the only trait that sets Russian women apart from everybody else. Every Russian woman knows how to stay abreast of the latest fashion trends, apply the make-up the proper way, and groom her hair to look her best. But the physical looks of Russian women is not the decisive factor when it comes to attraction with men. Russian women have something more that helps them to conquer the hearts of men not only in Russia. This precious thing is a "mysterious Russian soul" (according to the Russian classical writers, загáдочная рýсская душá), family values, personality traits, and a very traditional outlook on life.
Emancipation might have spread all over the world but Russian women stay faithful to the traditional views of the male and female roles in a relationship. A Russian man is considered to be a provider who supplies the family with tangible assets, while a woman is viewed as a housewife and the mother of children. In contemporary Russia, many women use all the opportunities to get a good education, get a good job and build their careers. However, family (семья́) always remains the main priority for most Russian women.
Most Russian women can be described as modest and friendly (скро́мные и приве́тливые). Being brought up according to patriarchal traditions, Russian women are acquiescent with men being the authority. In Russia, women never rush to break up or end their relationship with a divorce. They instead use every possible chance to save their marriage and continue the relationship with the man of their choice.
Russian women place great importance on romance. They like when men give them flowers and read poetry. At the same time, expensive gifts might be a bit of a concern. Russian women are very proud of themselves and will be unlikely to accept an expensive present that will indebt them if accepted. At any rate, there are no rules to obey if a Russian woman is in love. Even if they can't be named the women with southern temperament, the Russian women are very passionate and tend to fall in love once and for all.
Russian women are also famous for being excellent housewives, great cooks and loving mothers. They usually learn since childhood how to cook traditional Russian meals and they love doing it. Besides, it's not very common to keep a housemaid in Russia. That's why Russian women are used to doing all housework themselves. These qualities of Russian women are highly valued by men in Russia and many other countries. In fact, there are many foreigners who are happy to have a Russian wife (рýсская женá), as well as there are many Russian girls who dream of marrying a man from abroad.
The reason behind this frame of mind is because Russian patriarchal traditions, which we have already mentioned above, also make men used to being the head of the family and, sometimes, men take for granted all the love and care that Russian women make available to them. The lack of respect from some Russian men is the reason for Russian women to seek a romantic partner abroad, hoping for a match who can provide for the family and care about the children.
On the other hand, foreign men tend to respect their love from abroad more and that makes their wives happier. Moreover it's always a great experience to build an intercultural family in which two people can interchange not only their personal experiences but also the heritage of their countries. But it is certainly more difficult and requests patience and respect from both husband and wife.
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