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If you already know about cardinal and ordinal numbers, it is time to start using them together to say fractions in Russian. Fractional numbers are used to designate fractions. The basic examples of fractions in Russian are:
1/3 - одна третья [ahd-nah tryeht'-yah]
1/2 - одна вторая [ahd-nah ftah-rah-yah]
2/9 - две девятых [dvyeh dee-vyah-tikh]
As you might have noticed from the examples, the first part of a fractional numeral is the cardinal number, the second part is the ordinal number.
The numbers in Russian follow the same grammar rules as adjectives. They must agree with nouns in gender (masculine, feminine, neuter), number (singular or plural) and case. You should use the feminine form of numerals 1 and 2 if they are located in the numerator, as in одна пятая (1/5). The noun after the fraction is always in the genitive, as in две третьих класса (two third of the class). As you can see from this example, the word класса is in the genitive form (the dictionary form is "класс").
In addition, Russian fractional numerals change by cases (i.e. decline). Both parts of the numeral must change. The first part (the numerator) is changed like the corresponding cardinal number. The second part (the denominator) is changed similar to the adjective интересный or синий. You may want to check out the lesson on declension of adjectives if you wish. The table below gives a few examples:
Case |
Numeral две третьих (2/3) |
Numeral две пятых (2/5) |
Nominative | две третьих | две пятых |
Genitive | двух третьих | двух пятых |
Dative | двум третьим | двум пятым |
Accusative | две третьих | две пятых |
Instrumental | двумя третьими | двумя пятыми |
Prepositional | (о) двух третьих | (о) двух пятых |
Now look at the examples of decimal fractions. Notice that unlike in English, Russians use a comma (not a dot) to distinguish between the whole and the remainder.
0,5 - ноль целых, пять десятых
1,04 - одна целая, четыре сотых
2,75 - две целых, семьдесят пять сотых
Mastering Russian decimal fractions is a two-step process.
In spoken Russian, some fractions have special names:
1/2 is половина [pah-lah-vee-nah] (half)
1/3 is треть [tryeht'] (third)
1/4 is четверть [chyet-vyehrt'] (quarter)
1,5 is полтора [pahl-tah-rah] (one and a half)
The fraction половина declines like feminine nouns ending in -a (доска).
Declension of полови́на (a half)
Case | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | полови́на | полови́ны |
Genitive | полови́ны | полови́н |
Dative | полови́не | полови́нам |
Accusative | полови́ну | полови́ны |
Instrumental | полови́ной (полови́ною) | полови́нами |
Prepositional | полови́не | полови́нах |
The fractions треть and четверть decline similar to feminine nouns ending in -ь (степь).
Declension of тре́ть (a third)
Case | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | тре́ть | тре́ти |
Genitive | тре́ти | трете́й |
Dative | тре́ти | третя́м |
Accusative | тре́ть | тре́ти |
Instrumental | тре́тью | третя́ми |
Prepositional | тре́ти | третя́х |
Declension of че́тверть (a quarter)
Case | Singular | Plural |
Nominative | че́тверть | че́тверти |
Genitive | че́тверти | четверте́й |
Dative | че́тверти | четвертя́м |
Accusative | че́тверть | че́тверти |
Instrumental | че́твертью | четвертя́ми |
Prepositional | че́тверти | четвертя́х |
The fractional numeral полтора declines as shown in the table below. Note that it has the form полутора in all cases except the nominative and accusative.
Declension of полтора
(stressed vowels are underlined)
Case |
Numeral полтора галлона (a gallon and a half) |
Nominative | полтора галлона |
Genitive | полутора галлонов |
Dative | полутора галлонам |
Accusative | полтора галлона |
Instrumental | полутора галлонами |
Prepositional | (о) полутора галлонах |
This concludes the lesson about Russian fractions. The following lessons will help you learn more about numerals and improve your understanding of the Russian grammar.
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