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In Russian, collective numerals are used to talk about a group of people or animals as a whole. There are not many collective numbers in Russian. Some of them are:
двое - two [DVOH-yeh]
трое - three [TROH-yeh]
четверо - four [CHYET-vee-rah]
пятеро - five [PYAH-tee-rah]
шестеро - six [SHYES-tee-rah]
семеро - seven [SYEH-mee-rah]
Learning collective numbers will help you expand your Russian vocabulary and further improve your understanding of the Russian grammar. To notice the difference in meaning between the cardinal and collective numbers, let's look at the following example:
Два друга живут в разных домах. | Двое братьев живут в одном доме. |
(Two friends live in separate houses.) | (Two brothers live in one house.) |
Use cardinal numeral: because the friends live separately |
Use collective numbers: because the people are brothers and live in one house |
Russian collective numbers are formed from corresponding cardinal numbers with the help of such suffixes as -о- and -ер-. For example:
два --> двое [DVOH-yeh]
три --> трое [TROH-yeh]
четыре --> четверо [CHYET-vee-rah]
All collective numbers in Russian change by cases (i.e. decline). Let's take a look at how the numbers двое and четверо decline.
Declension of двое and четверо
(stressed vowels are underlined)
Case |
Numeral двое |
Numeral четверо |
Nominative | двое | четверо |
Genitive | двоих | четверых |
Dative | двоим | четверым |
Accusative | двоих
- animate двое - inanimate |
четверых - animate четверо - inanimate |
Instrumental | двоими | четверыми |
Prepositional | (о) двоих | (о) четверых |
The Russian grammar has several rules about proper usage of the collective numbers. The collective numbers can be used:
Collective numbers are not used with feminine nouns (except обе). You should always say две сестры (two sisters), четыре реки (four rivers), etc.
There are two more collective numbers you should know about: оба and обе. Unlike the rest of the collective numbers, these numbers can be used with nouns of all three genders.
The number оба is used with the masculine and neuter nouns. It has the letter o in the stem when you decline it.
Declension of оба
(stressed vowels are underlined)
Case |
Numeral оба (both boys) |
Nominative | оба мальчика |
Genitive | обоих мальчиков |
Dative | обоим мальчикам |
Accusative | обоих мальчиков |
Instrumental | обоими мальчиками |
Prepositional | (об) обоих мальчиках |
The numeral обе is used with feminine nouns and has the letter e in the stem when you decline it.
Declension of
(stressed vowels are underlined)
Case |
Numeral обe (both girls) |
Nominative | обе девочки |
Genitive | обеих девочек |
Dative | обеим девочкам |
Accusative | обеих девочек |
Instrumental | обеими девочками |
Prepositional | (об) обеих девочках |
This concludes the lesson about Russian collective numbers. You may want to study the following grammar lessons to better understand how to use the numbers in Russian.
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