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Verbs of subjunctive mood designate actions which one wants to happen, or just possible ones, under certain circumstances. A sentence containing subjunctive verbs shows that an action has not happen, but it could have happened if certain circumstances took place. Look at an example:
Я бы пошёл в кино, если бы у меня был билет.
I would have gone to the movie, if I had had a ticket.
Adding the particle "бы", either near a verb, or at any other place in a sentence, forms the subjunctive mood of a verb.
Remember: The particle
"бы" and a
verb are always written separately: |
The verbs of subjunctive mood change in number:
двигался бы - singular
двигались бы - plural
At the same time, singular verbs change in person.
он двигался бы - he would have moved
она двигалась бы - she would have moved
оно двигалось бы - it would have moved
In other words, the verbs of subjunctive mood are usually predicates and agree with a subject in person and number.
и сейчас неpredicate
стал бы вырубать кусты.
Remember: The verbs in
subjunctive mood are always in the past tense. |
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