Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "evening" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
evening, night, party
Part of speech: noun (masculine noun)
Rank: #236 (see frequency list)
We stayed on the beach until the evening.
Photo © 2008
- До́брый ве́чер!
- Good evening!
- Ка́ждый ве́чер я смотрю́ но́вости.
- I watch the news every night.
- К ве́черу пошёл дождь.
- It started raining towards the evening.
- literal By evening went rain.
- Убо́рка в кварти́ре заняла́ весь ве́чер.
- It took (us) the whole evening to clean the apartment.
- literal Cleaning of the apartment took the whole evening.
- Не жди́те меня́ до ве́чера.
- Don't expect me to come until the evening.
- literal Do not wait for me until the evening.
- Он ре́дко быва́ет до́ма по вечера́м.
- He is rarely at home in the evenings.
- Анто́н пришёл домо́й в семь вечера́.
- Anton came home at 7 p.m.
- literal Anton came home at seven iт the evening.
- Магази́н закрыва́ется в во́семь часо́в вечера́.
- The store closes at 8 p.m.
- literal Store closes a eight hours in the evening.
- Магази́н рабо́тает с у́тра до ве́чера.
- The store is open all day.
- literal The store works from morning till evening.
- К ве́черу дождь прекрати́лся.
- It stopped raining by the evening.
- literal By evening rain ceased.
- Она́ рабо́тает с утра́ до ве́чера.
- She works all day long.
- literal She works from morning till evening.
- Э́тим ве́чером мы сно́ва встре́тились.
- We met again on that night.
- literal This evening we met again.
- Люблю́ гуля́ть по го́роду ле́тними вечера́ми.
- I love walking around the city on summer evenings.
- Мы провели́ на пля́же це́лый день до ве́чера.
- We stayed on the beach all day until the evening.
- Это кино идёт каждый вечер.
- This movie is playing every night.
- Мы попа́ли домо́й к ве́черу.
- We got home by the evening.
- По утрáм я пью кóфе, а по вечерáм - зелëный чай.
- I drink coffee in the morning and green tea in the evening.

- под ве́чер = towards evening
- к ве́черу = towards evening
- по вечера́м = in the evenings
- студе́нческий ве́чер = student night
- музыка́льный ве́чер = musicale
- с у́тра до ве́чера = all day long
literal from morning to evening
- ве́чером = tonight, in the evening
- вече́рний = evening (adjective)
- вечери́нка = party, evening, soiree
- у́тро = morning
- день = day, afternoon
- У́тро ве́чера мудре́нее.
- The morning is wiser than the evening.
- Ску́чен день до ве́чера, ко́ли де́лать не́чего.
- Day-by-day a day goes by.
- literal A day is boring till evening if there's nothing to do.
Case |
Singular |
Plural |
Nominative | ве́чер | вечера́ |
Genitive | ве́чера | вечеро́в |
Dative | ве́черу | вечера́м |
Accusative | ве́чер | вечера́ |
Instrumental | ве́чером | вечера́ми |
Prepositional | ве́чере | вечера́х |
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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