Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "wall" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
Part of speech: noun (feminine noun)
Rank: #289 (see frequency list)
The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world.
Photo by Nicolas M. Perrault
- Вели́кая кита́йская стена́ - са́мая дли́нная стена́ в ми́ре.
- The Great Wall of China is the longest wall in the world.
- literal Great Chinese wall - most long wall in the world.
- Пе́ред на́ми кирпи́чная стена́.
- There's a brick wall in front of us.
- literal Before us brick wall.
- Стро́йка была́ окружена́ стено́й.
- A construction site was surrounded by the wall.
- На стене́ виси́т карти́на.
- There is a picture hanging on the wall.
- Сте́ны в ко́мнате жёлтого цве́та.
- The walls in the room are yellow.
- На одно́й из стен была́ на́дпись.
- There was a mural on one of the walls.
- Э́тот го́род был окру́жен сте́нами.
- This city was surrounded by walls.
- На сте́нах бы́ло мно́го рису́нков.
- There were a lot of murals on walls.
- Вокру́г меня́ одни́ сте́ны.
- There's nothing but walls around me.
- literal Around me only walls.
- Впереди́ - чёрная стена́ ды́ма.
- There's a black wall of smoke ahead.
- Дми́трий покра́сил сте́ну в жёлтый цвет.
- Dmitry painted the wall yellow.
- literal Dmitry painted the wall in yellow color.
- Спра́ва от меня́ стои́т сте́на.
- There is a wall on my right.
- literal Right from me stands wall.
- Не́сколько мужчи́н сиде́ли во́зле стены́.
- Several men were sitting near the wall.
- В стена́х э́того университе́та учи́лись мно́гие изве́стные лю́ди.
- Many famous people studied within the precincts of this university. (note the stress: стена́х is more idiomatic)
- В сте́нах э́того до́ма мно́го тре́щин.
- There are many cracks in the walls of this house. (note the stress: сте́нах is more literal)
- Она́ уда́рилась голово́й о сте́ну.
- She banged her head against the wall.
- за стено́й = the other side of the wall, in the next room
literal behind a wall - в сте́нах / в стена́х = within the walls, inside
literal inside walls - в сте́нах / в стена́х че́го-либо = within the precincts of smth.
- лезть на сте́ну = to be beside oneself; to climb up the wall
literal clime on a wall - припере́ть ко́го-либо к стене́ = to drive smb into a corner; to back smb against the wall
- в четырёх стена́х = within the four walls
- жить стена́ в сте́ну с ке́м-либо = to be close neighbours with smb
- го́лые сте́ны = bare walls
- обнести́ стено́й = to wall, surround by a wall
- стена́ рассе́лась = the wall cracked
- ро́спись стен = mural
- как за ка́менной сте́ной = safe
literal as behind a stone wall - би́ться голово́й об сте́ну = to beat one's head against the wall
- запере́ться / жить в четырёх стена́х = to immure oneself
literal to lock oneself / live inside four walls - сплошна́я стена́ = solid wall
- как об сте́ну горо́х = like talking to a brick wall
literal as peas against a wall - быть припёртым к стене́ = to have one's back to the wall, to be in a tight corner
- ви́деть сквозь сте́ну = to see through the brick wall, to see everything with a clear eye
- дождь льёт стено́й = it rains cats and dogs
literal rain pours in a wall - Вели́кая кита́йская стена́ = Great Wall of China (万里长城)
- прегра́да = barrier, obstacle
- огра́да = fence
- сте́нка = wall (diminutive)
- сте́ночка = small wall (diminutive)
- потоло́к = celing
- До́ма стены́ помога́ют.
- My house is my castle.
- literal At home walls help.
- У стен есть у́ши.
- Walls have ears.
Case |
Singular |
Plural |
Nominative | стена́ | сте́ны |
Genitive | стены́ | сте́н |
Dative | стене́ | сте́нам |
Accusative | сте́ну | сте́ны |
Instrumental | стено́й | сте́нами |
Prepositional | стене́ | сте́нах |
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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