Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "to listen to (+ accus.)" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
to listen to (+ accus.), attend, examine, hear, try, obey
Part of speech: verb (imperfective aspect)
Rank: #270 (see frequency list)
The boy is listening to the music.
Photo by vagawi, licensed under CC GA 2.0
- Он слу́шает му́зыку.
- He is listening to the music.
- Студе́нты слу́шают ле́кцию по исто́рии.
- The students are listening to a lecture on history.
- Серге́й внима́тельно слу́шал меня́.
- Sergei was listening to me carefully.
- Ты ча́сто слу́шаешь ра́дио?
- Do you often listen to the radio? (informal)
- Он никого́ не слу́шает.
- He won't listen to anybody's advice.
- literal He doesn't listen to anybody.
- Слу́шай, мо́жет, схо́дим в кино́?
- Hey, why don't we go to the movies? (informal)
- literal Listen, maybe we'll go to the cinema?
- В э́том семе́стре мы бу́дем слу́шать курс вы́сшей матема́тики.
- We'll be attending a course in higher mathematics this semester.
- literal In this semester we will be listening to a course of higher mathematics.
- Де́ти не всегда́ слу́шают, что им говоря́т.
- Children don't always pay attention to what they are told.
- literal Children not always listen to what they are told.
- В э́том зда́нии слу́шали де́ло об уби́йстве.
- There was a hearing of a murder case in this building.
- literal In this building, they heard a murder case.
- Врач слу́шает пацие́нта стетоско́пом.
- The doctor examines a patient with a stethoscope.
- Слу́шаю! = Hello!; Speaking! (on the phone)
- Слу́шай! = Hey!; Look here! (informal)
- слу́шатель = listener
- выслу́шивать = to listen to the whole (of)
- слу́шаться = to obey, pay attention to
- Бо́льше слу́шай, ме́ньше говори́.
- Be swift to hear, slow to speak.
- literal Listen more, speak less.
Present Tense
I | слу́шаю |
you (singular) | слу́шаешь |
he, she, it | слу́шает |
we | слу́шаем |
you (plural) | слу́шаете |
they | слу́шают |
Past Tense
I, you (singular), he | слу́шал |
she | слу́шала |
it | слу́шало |
we, you (plural), they | слу́шали |
Future Simple Tense
The imperfective verb слушать is not used in the Future Simple Tense. Use the perfective verb послушать instead.
Future Compound Tense
I | буду слу́шать |
you (singular) | будешь слу́шать |
he, she, it | будет слу́шать |
we | будем слу́шать |
you (plural) | будете слу́шать |
they | будут слу́шать |
Imperative Mood (Command Form)
you (singular) | слу́шай | you (plural) | слу́шайте |
View full conjugation table for the verb pair слушать/послушать
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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