Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "it" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
it, that
Part of speech: pronoun
Rank: #282 (see frequency list)
I love sea, it's very romantic.
- Вот письмо́. Оно́ о́чень интерéсное.
- Here is the letter. It is very interesting.
- Я óчень люблю́ мóре, оно романти́чное.
- I love sea, it's very romantic.
- Студéнт не сдéлал задáние, потому́ что онó óчень тру́дное.
- The student didn't do the assignment because it is very difficult.
- Ты вы́звал такси́? Онó ужé приéхало?
- Did you call the taxi? Has it arrived yet?
- А где метрó? Вон онó!
- Where is the metro? Here it is!
- Вы ужé ви́дели это здáние? Нет, мы ещë егó не ви́дели!
- Have you seen that building yet? No, we haven't seen it yet.
- Вот их окнó, на нëм жëлтые занавéски.
- Here is their window, there are yellow curtains on it.
- Вот вам упражнéние, не приходи́те на урок без негó!
- Here is the exercise, don't come to class without it!
- Да, врéмя не бежи́т: оно просто лети́т!
- Yes, time doesn't run, it flies really!
- literal Yes, time doesn't run, it simply flies!
- Неужéли это нáше стáрое кинó? Онó сáмое!
- Is it really our old movie? Yes, it is!
- Ах, вот онó что, ты прóсто ничегó дéлать не хóчешь!
- Oh, now I see, you simply don't want to do anything!
- Вот онó как! А я ду́мал, что ты рабóту потеря́л!
- Oh, really? And I thought you had lost your job!
- literal So, it is like that! And I thought you had lost your job!
- Онó и ви́дно, что он бездéльник!
- It is clear he is an idler!
- literal It is seen he is an idler!
- Онó и поня́тно: наш органи́зм - шту́ка слóжная.
- It is clear that our body is a complicated thing.
- literal It is understandable that our body is a complicated thing.
- Онó-то поня́тно, но зачéм же тогдá он ушëл из университéта?
- The case is clear, but why did he leave university then?
- literal It is understandable, but what did he leave university for?
- Онó и ви́дно = It is clear
literal It is seen - Онó и поня́тно = It is clear
literal It is understandable - Вот онó что! = Now I see
literal It is what! - Онó, конéчно! = Well, of course
literal It, of course
- он = he
- онá = she
- они́ = they
- э́то = it, that
- Все лю́бят добрó, да не всéх любит онó.
- Everybody likes good, but good doesn't like everybody.
- literal Everybody likes good, but it doesn't like everybody.
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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