Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "people" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
people, nation, folk
Part of speech: noun (masculine noun)
Rank: #240 (see frequency list)
The river Volga is called "mother" by common people.
Photo by mironset, licensed under CC SA 2.0
- Говоря́т, испáнцы - весëлый нарóд.
- They say that Spanish people are cheerful.
- В метрó бы́ло мнóго нарóду.
- There were many people in the subway.
- Однó из кáчеств ру́сского нарóда - гостеприи́мство.
- Hospitality is one of the qualities of Russian people.
- В Росси́и мнóго мáлых нарóдов.
- In Russia there're many minority nations.
- literal In Russia there're many small nations.
- Он вы́шел из нарóда: его роди́тели бы́ли крестья́нами.
- He's of humble origins, his parents were peasants.
- literal He came from common people, his parents were peasants.
- В нарóде Вóлгу назывáют мáтушкой.
- The river Volga is called "mother" by common people.
- literal In the nation they call Volga "mother".
- Нéкоторые поли́тики лю́бят ходи́ть в нарóд.
- Some politicians like doing campaign among the masses.
- literal Some politicians like going to people.
- Нарóду слéдует предоcтáвить бóльше прав.
- It's necessary to grant more rights to common people,
- А где же нарóд?
- So, where the people are?
- Я могу́ мнóго рассказáть о коренны́х нарóдах Сéвера.
- I can tell a lot about indigenous peoples of the North.
- Cтудéнты - нарóд зáнятый.
- Students are busy people.
- Мне сты́дно пéред нарóдом.
- I feel ashamed before the guys.
- literal I feel ashamed before the people.
- Нарóд, ну что вы такóе говори́те!
- Hey guys, what are you talking about?
- literal People, what are you saying?
- при всëм честнóм нарóде = in public
- мáлыe нарóды = minorities
- простóй нарóд = humble people
- вы́йти из нарóда = to be of humble origins
- пойти́ в нарóд = to do campaign amongs the masses
- лю́ди = people
- нáция = a nation
- национáльность = a nationality
- нарóдный = folk (adjective)
- Глас нарóда - глас Бóжий.
- The Voice of the People Is the Voice of God.
Case |
Singular |
Plural |
Nominative | наро́д | наро́ды |
Genitive | наро́да (наро́ду) | наро́дов |
Dative | наро́ду | наро́дам |
Accusative | наро́д | наро́ды |
Instrumental | наро́дом | наро́дами |
Prepositional | наро́де | наро́дах |
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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