Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "owner" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
owner, landlord, master, boss, host
Part of speech: noun (masculine noun)
Rank: #358 (see frequency list)
Have you found the dog's owner?
Photo by redgoober4life, licensed under CC-BY-2.0
- Кто хозя́ин маши́ны?
- Who is the owner of the car?
- Ты нашëл хозя́ина собáки?
- Have you found the dog's owner?
- Он – хозя́ин огрóмной кварти́ры в цéнтре Москвы́.
- He is the owner of a huge flat in the center of Moscow.
- Подожди́, мне ну́жно позвони́ть хозя́ину гости́ницы.
- Wait, I have to give a call to the hotel landlord.
- Мы хорóшие друзья́ с хозя́ином клу́ба.
- I am a good friend of the club's owner.
- literal We are good friends with the club's owner.
- Мой муж – прекрáсный хозя́ин!
- My husband is very thrifty.
- literal My husband is a wonderful master.
- Срáзу ви́дно, что дирéктор завóда – хорóший хозя́ин.
- It's clear that the factory director is a good manager.
- literal It is seen straight away that the factory director is a good manager.
- Где же хозя́ин дóмa?
- So, where's your husband?
- literal So, where's the master of the house?
- Гостéй вы́шел встречáть хозя́ин.
- The host went out to receive the guests.
- Тепéрь сын сам себé хозя́ин.
- My son is his own boss now.
- Матч вы́играли хозя́ева пóля.
- The home team won the match.
- literal The field owners won the match.
- Сначáла ну́жно обсуди́ть услóвия с хозя́евами дáчи.
- We have to discuss the conditions with the owners of the country house first.
- О хозя́евах собáки ничегó нé было извécтно.
- There was no information about the dog's owners.
- literal It wasn't known anything about the dog's owners.
- Ты сказáл о полóмке холоди́льника хозя́евам кварти́ры?
- Hav you told the flat owners about the fridge breakdown?

- хозя́ин положéния = master of the situation
- сам себé хозя́ин = one's own master / boss
- хозя́ин своегó слóва = a man of his word
- хозя́ева своéй судьбы́ = masters of their own lives
- хозя́ева пóля = the home team
literal The field owners
- хозя́йка = owner, landlady, hostess
- хозя́йский = owner's, host's, landlord's
- владéлец = owner
- Всяк хозя́ин в своëм дому́ большóй.
- Every landlord is important in their own house.
- Без хозя́ина дом – сиротá.
- A house is an orphan without a host.
- Бéшеная собáка и хозя́ина кусáет.
- A mad dog can bite its owner.
Case |
Singular |
Plural |
Nominative | хозя́ин | хозя́ева (хозя́ины) |
Genitive | хозя́ина | хозя́ев (хозя́инов) |
Dative | хозя́ину | хозя́евам (хозя́инам) |
Accusative | хозя́ина | хозя́ев (хозя́инов) |
Instrumental | хозя́ином | хозя́евами (хозя́инами) |
Prepositional | о хозя́ине | о хозя́евах (о хозя́инах) |
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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