Russian Vocabulary (and Wisdom)
How to say "yes" in Russian
This Russian word is one of the top 1000 words in Russian. The complete list of most common Russian words is available here.
yes, right, really, let, and, but
Part of speech: conjunction, particle
Rank: #48 (see frequency list)
Yes, I'll come to the party.
Photo by Andy Welsh, licensed under CC-BY-SA-2.0
- Да, я приду́ на вечери́нку.
- Yes, I'll come to the party.
- Да, ты, навéрное, прав.
- Yes, you are probably right.
- Мне звони́л Cáша? Да.
- Did Sasha call me? Yes.
- Ты купи́л хлéба, да?
- You bought some bread, didn't you?
- literal You bought some bread, right?
- Чáшка на ку́хне, да?
- The cup is in the kitchen, isn't it?
- literal The cup is in the kitchen, right?
- Да? А я ду́мал, ты ужé в Гермáнии.
- Really? And I thought you were already in Germany.
- Да... э́то иногдá случáeтся.
- Well... it can happen sometimes.
- literal Oh yes... sometimes it happens.
- Да, не забу́дь взять дéньги.
- Oh yes, don't forget to take the money.
- Да, ещë хотéл сказáть кóe-что.
- Oh yes, I wanted to tell you something else.
- -- Да? -- Да, э́то Людми́ла.
- -- Hello? (on the phone) -- Yes, it's Lyudmila.
- Да ты что! Пря́мо не вéрится!
- Oh really? It's just unbelievable!
- Да сaди́сь ужé, сади́сь, не стой!
- Come on, sit down finally, don't stand!
- Да здрáвствует мир во всëм ми́ре!
- Long live worldwide peace!
- Я слу́шала-слу́шала да и засну́ла.
- I was listening for so long and I suddenly fell asleep.
- literal I was listening and listening and I fell asleep.
- Я бы помóг тебé, да врéмени нет совсéм.
- I could help you, but I have no time at all.

- Вот э́то да! = Wow!
literal Here that yes! - Да ну? = Oh really?
- Ну дa = Oh, yes, really,
- Да нет = No (with a doubt)
literal Yes no - Да нет навéрное = Probably not
literal Yes no probably - Да прям(о) = Oh really? (I don't believe you)
literal Yes directly - Да ещë как! = Strongly, intensively
- Да и то = Besides
- Да и тóлько = Only
- Ни да ни нет = Neither yes or no.
- конéчно = sure
- навéрное = probably
- Рад бы в рай, да грехи́ не пускáют.
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.
- literal I'd be happy to go to go to paradise, but my sins won't let me in.
- Мáленький, да удáленький.
- Tiny but shiny
- literal Small but mighty.
- Хоть ви́дит óко, да зуб неймëт (И.А.Крылóв)
- The girl looks fine, but she isn't mine.
- literal Although your eyes are seeing it, you can't reach it with your teeth. (A.S.Krylov)
- Мал золотни́к, да дóрог.
- Think big go small.
- literal Zolotnik (4.6 g) is small but expensive.
- Да бу́дет свет!
- Let there be light! (The Holy Bible)
Vocabulary lesson: By Russificate blog exclusively for MasterRussian
Phrase recordings: Copyright(c) 2011 All rights reserved.
Word recordings: Copyright(c) 2006 Streit Goulnara, Streit Eric, Vion Nicolas. Copyright(c) 2007 S. Sakhno, N. Vion. Distributed under CC-BY.
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