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Let's learn new vocabulary in a fun, visual way! The topic of this page is the Restaurant (рестора́н). Just look at the picture and learn how the object is called in Russian. Then listen to audio recordings and read English translations.
Audio | Russian word | Pronunciation | English translation |
меню́ | mee-NYOO | menu | |
ви́лка | VEEL-kah | fork | |
таре́лка | tah-RYEHL-kah | plate | |
нож | nohsh | knife | |
ло́жка | LOHSH-kah | spoon | |
ми́ска | MEES-kah | bowl | |
салфе́тка | sahl-FYEHT-kah | napkin | |
соль | sohl' | salt | |
пе́рец | PYEH-reets | pepper | |
ча́шка | CHAHS-kah | cup, teacup, | |
буты́лка | boo-TIHL-kah | bottle | |
бока́л | bah-KAHL | stem glass | |
стака́н | stah-KAHN | drinking glass |
You should now have a clear picture in your head referring to more than dozen Russian restaurant words. Plus, the audio recordings are a fantastic way to get the pronunciation of the dining vocabulary right from the start. Make sure to visit the Russian picture dictionary to learn even more Russian words. There is also a section on Russian culture if you are looking for fun ways to learn Russian and understand Russians better.
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• 12 Essential Topics (Restaurant, Clothes, etc.) • 200+ images, including Cyrillic letters • High-quality audio by native Russian speakers |
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Russian: Закусочная ''Светлячок''
English: Firefly snack-bar