Russian Picture Dictionary – Office Desk

Let's learn new vocabulary in a fun, visual way! The topic of this page is the Office (о́фис) or Writing Desk (пи́сьменный стол). The objects on the picture will help you learn the most common office words Russian. You can work on your pronunciation with audio recordings and English translations below.

Audio   Russian word   Pronunciation English translation  

Flash required.

стол stohl desk

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коло́нки kah-LOHN-kee speakers

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по́лка POHL-kah shelf

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ла́мпа LAHM-puh lamp

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стул stool chair

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розе́тка rah-ZYEHT-kah electric outlet

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монито́р mah-nee-TOHR monitor

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клавиату́ра klah-vee-ah-TOO-rah keyboard

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ко́врик для мы́шки KOHV-reek dlyah MIHSH-kee mouse pad, masterrussian dot com

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мы́шка MIHSH-kah mouse

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телефо́н tee-lee-FOHN telephone

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компью́тер kahm-PYOO-tehr computer

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при́нтер PREEN-tehr printer

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каранда́ш kah-rahn-DAHSH pencil

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ру́чка ROOCH-kah pen

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докуме́нт dah-koo-MYEHNT document

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па́пка PAHP-kah folder

Flash required.

кни́га KNEE-gah book

Learning Russian Office Words

It's a good idea to put sticky notes with Russian office words on the objects in your real home office! You will soon know the Russian names of everything there is on your writing desk. Go back to the Russian picture dictionary to learn Russian words on many other topics. If you want to further your understanding of Russian people, there is also a section on the Russian culture on our site.

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